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SIS Notes are organized by the last name of each senior.

Click here to read SIS Notes for seniors with last names N-Z.  

Click here to read SIS Notes addressed to groups of seniors.



Hannah Abere

Leah Paul - Hannah, thank you for being such an amazing senior sister this year! I really appreciate you and your kindness, you are one of the nicest (and prettiest) people that I think I have ever met and knowing that I had someone I could go to if I had any questions or needs was a great feeling. That along with your friendly smile are things that I will definitely miss :( Even though we didn't get that close during the year, you have really made my high school experience so much smoother and I will never forget that. Thank you for everything again, you're actually the best. Love you!


Gabrielle Narcisse- ABERE!!!! Thank you for always having my back, always supporting me, always being someone who will listen, etc. No se que voy a hacer sin tú en la futura :( i know you will kill it at BC and beyond Im so excited for you!


Grace Novak - Dear Hannah, I can't believe you are graduating! I still playing Long Hill field hockey with you every time Kathy asked Julianna and I to play up... so every home game ;) It seems to me, that only boys from our lovely little Long Hill go to private school, so you were definitely an inspiration in my choice to not go to Watchung Hills. I remember thinking, "well if Hannah can go to a private school, why can't I?" (I hope that doesn't make me sound creepy). Anyway, I had so much fun on that one day when you drove me school and the snow almost killed us! Congratulations on Boston College! You are going to do amazing things there, and I will miss having a fellow Long Hiller at Kent Place! <<<<3333


Pilar Torres - Abere, Hannah - Hannah, thank you so much for being so kind to me this year! It made my freshman year so much easier and more fun. I am so glad I got the opportunity to play sports all three seasons with you bc I got the opportunity to learn what a great person you are. Everyday you inspire me to be a better person and I don’t think you really know that, bc that’s just the type of person you are. I am going to miss you so much, but you have taught me so much about being a great role model. Please visit and watch games!


Claire Bryant - I can not believe you are leaving me. I still laugh thinking about you singing the karaoke version of mo bamba. I am going to miss the energy that you brought to the team.


Rachel Esposito - Hannah!! I am so so proud of you!! You are one of the coolest people I’ve ever met, and I’m so happy we’ve gotten so close. Block D Spanish really did THAT. Best of luck at BC!!! You’re gonna do BIG things, and I’ll miss you so much!! Love you Hannah!!! <33


Eleanor Alix

Vivienne Germain - Had so much fun working with you on our bioethics project last year! Have fun at Haverford :)


Gabrielle Narcisse - my girl Eleanor!!!! Ellie!!!!! I’m so glad to call you a friend! I love your cheeky smile, listening to you present or make an argument with conviction and power, bearing your laugh, or watching you transform into a beast on the court. I have nothing but admiration and respect for you! I will never forget in media lit when you said (with your cheeky smile) “were you trying to escape America?” Can’t wait to see you thrive in life Eleanor! Thomas forever ;)


Stacey Espiritu - Ellie! Thank you for being the greatest. Whether during basketball season or not, you’ve always been there to support me and be my friend. You’ve been like the older sister I never had and for that I’m forever thankful. I’m gonna miss you when you’re off thriving at Haverford but I can’t wait for us to pull up and watch you go. You’re the best El love you


Maddie Estey - APCS has been so much fun with you this year! Sitting at a table with you and Audrey has been interesting, sometimes very weird, but also so much fun :) Thank you for putting up with Audrey and I during class (mostly...) even when we were being straight up annoying. Gonna miss doing Tai chi with you haha. You're so smart and I know you will do great things in college, good luck!


Zoe Campbell - Thank you for being the best teammate. I know you're going to do amazing things at Haverford! I will miss you so much!!


Audrey Alix - Whats up sister! Congrats on finishing classes and (almost) graduating! Being at Kent Place with you has been the most fun ever, from sitting with you in the library during our frees, AP Comp Sci everyday (apple snackin cake), acting stupid together, and the times where we put each other in the weirdest mood and can’t stop laughing at literally everything we do. This year especially, I have loved hanging out with you, and while you enjoyed late nights during your senior spring, I realized how lonely it is at home without you. I will miss our late night convos, bad parking jobs, long drives to school, and every other good moment. I will even miss the times when you would come into my room while I was working to insist that I need to take a break to listen to you. Although I can’t say I will miss your morning moods, sharing a bathroom, and the photo sessions that take way longer then they should, I will miss having hanging out with you to look forward to. Please come visit me more then Andrew did.  Click to view image


Gabby Alpert

Grace Holt - Thank you for being such a great friend! I will miss saying hi to you in the hallways everyday or partying it up at the JSA dances together. I really look up to you and know you will do great things! Never give up those tiny glasses.


Isabel Smith - Dear Gabby, I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the year and you’re going to leave for Bates soon. Thanks for being a great friend to me all year. Can’t wait to visit you next year. Have fun at college crazy kid.


Grace Novak - Dear Gabby, Thank you for being the closest thing I've ever had to an older sister. I am so so glad that we got the chance to play softball together (even though I don't play much), but more that we got to become friends. You're crazy, hilarious, and not scary AT ALL! As a baby freshman last year, I remember how cool I felt having a junior saying hi to me in the halls, but now I know that freshmen are more your peer set than people your own age ;) Anyway, thank you for all the advice, always checking in on me (you have no idea how much it means to me when you do, especially in hard times), writing Pilar and I letters at camp and most importantly putting up with Zoe and I. I love that you and Michael Coacher are friends, it makes me laugh since literally our backyards are connected and he's known me since the day I was born. WE SHOULD ALL HANG OUT! I am going to miss you sooo crazy much next year, and I don't know what I will do with you. Bates is so lucky and I know your future is insanely bright! I'm already counting down the days until Zoe and I come up and visit, and you buy us lobster rolls! Until then, I hope we can have a few more Millburn Deli brunch runs with Zoe and Sarah! Love you loads Gab <3


Stacey Espiritu - Gab! Thanks for being you. We’ve been buds since our all-star field hockey careers and even my brief yet memorable softball career. You never fail to make me smile and I’m so glad that I’ve had you as my friend. I’m gonna miss doing our handshake and whippin it up in the middle of hallway but I know that pulling up to Bates will be just as much of a good time if not more. You’re the coolest kid I know and I hope you never forget that. Love you!


Clare Buckley - Gabby! I am going to miss you so much next year. You are so funny and sweet and I have loved getting to know you. From softball to me ranting to you, you are such an awesome friend. You are such a great role model to me. We have to hang out with Audrey and Izzy this summer and I can't wait to visit you next year!


Audrey Perry - Gabby!! I'm so sad I'm not gonna see you in the halls next year, but good luck at Bates! You're going to do amazing!


Tara Balan - Hey Gabby aka technically my sister good luck at Bates next year!! I guess this means it’s the end of the Balan/Alpert sister legacy... :( but it'll still be forever in our hearts!!


Zoe Campbell - I can not believe you're going to college even though you act 5 sometimes and you go to bed at 10:30 every night. There isn't anyone else I would rather get mdeli with or go to Delbarton prom with. I am going to miss you so so much and I am so thankful we are so close. Can't wait to visit you at Bates!! Love you!  Click to view image


Georgia Post-Lipnick - Thank you for being such a fun judiciary pres! Judiciary won’t be the same without you and good luck at Bates ms Alpert!!


Christiana Nwachuku - Thank you so so much for being an amazing senior sister. Honestly no one (including Kaira) can one up you and what you've done for me this year. Wouldn't want anyone else to give me warnings about my minors!!! Oh and I never would've listened to brockhampton unironically if it weren't for you and your car tunes so thanks for that :) Hope you love Bates, and you better come visit me!


Allison Baun - Thanks for all the laughs and making freshman year a little more fun. I wont forget the advice you have given me and the countless memories. I will miss you, but I hope you have an awesome time at college. love u <3


Ariel Lashinsky - Thanks for being an amazing softball captain! Your dedication to the sport and the team does not go unnoticed. I can't help but smile when I'm around you. The infield won't be the same without you next year, but I'll make sure to keep the tradition going. You are always able to find the best in every situation and I admire this so much about you. You are one of the funniest people I know and I'm so grateful to be your friend. I'm gonna miss your laugh and pep talks so much next year, but I can't wait to see all you accomplish in life. Love you girl!


Phoebe Eccles - Thanks for being such a good friend this year! You’re like second big sister to me! Good Luck at Bates next year, I can’t wait to come visit you with Piper!  Click to view image


Grace Martin - Thanks for being such a nice senior, occasionally driving me places, and sending me memes when i'm sick. Going to miss you next year. Wishing you the best at Bates.


Tarika Bansal 

Gretchen Cadranell - I cannot thank you enough for being such a good friend to me this year. From volleyball to Starboard to online shopping and everything in between, you have been so fun to hang out with. Whenever I talk to you, I quickly forget that there is any age gap between us; you are not just a nice senior, but a real friend. I wish you the best of luck with college (but you don't need luck because you're so smart and nice that any school would want to have you)! Thanks again for a great year. I love you Tarika!!!


Francesca Wan - Click to view image


Vivienne Germain - I've had a lot of fun working on Starboard with you over the past couple of years, and it won't be the same without you. Have fun in college!


Tara Balan - Oh Tarika. I appreciate your random texts on random dates out of the blue asking me to spill random tea that I am completely unaware of. You’re probably one of the amusing and indecisive people that I know, and I think it shows by the fact that you committed at literally 2am on May 1st. Speaking of which, good luck at Cornell next year, and don’t worry, I’ll give you the thin mint I promised you for when you committed!


Abby Nibauer - TAQUERIA!! You've been such a great role model for me this year!! Thank you for always responding to my game pigeons at 3 am even though I'm annoying (for example: when I asked how to swing the ropes in squash). Even though I hate to admit it, your squash and volleyball skills are far superior to mine. You've been such a good influence on me, except for your horrid sleep habits (please sleep at Cornell). You are so good at everything you do and I am high key very jealous of that. Thanks for being a great EIC as well. Lastly, like a tree, I know you are going to grow and thrive at Cornell. P.S. I know I'm your bff (best frosh friend) don't even lie!!! Click to view image


Tyler Newman- Tarika! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished throughout highschool. You've really impacted me, whether if was working on Starboard content with me, showing off your moves on the squash court or simply being a great friend. I really look up to you Tarika and I look forward to seeing what you do in college. I see big things ahead of you!!


Alex Pereira,- Tarika, thank you for your mentorship in Starboard and your friendship these past two years! I’m so glad we met, and I’m going to really miss seeing you the next two years. Nonetheless, I know you’re going to do amazing things in college and beyond!!


Ms. Cohen - You are leaving behind a new Starboard. You started when it was Ballast Online, and you have shown so many sisters the way to the stars. I can't wait to see what you do next; I hope you'll send us a note or a text or an email or an announcement or a Google Doc comment soon.  Click to view image


Katherine Barrasso

Julie Soldat- hi, I know I dont really know you well, but tara certainly attests to your good character and you never fail to say hi in the hallway. Uwu, good luck at Tufts!


Tara Balan- Kathy! What am I gonna do without you next year! It seems like all the time that you've spent angsting and screaming "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M A SENIOR" is gonna come to an end because you're leaving so soon :( I'll never forget the day that we opened your Tufts status update and how excited you were that you'd gotten into college--even though you said that you lowkey blacked out and forgot. Thank you for all the Dunkin (Duncan), millions of DMs, posting cryptic stories and zooming in really far, and listening to me go on and on about the same thing for what probably seems like years. I love you so much and you really are the GOAT for putting up with how much Phoebe, Ranji, Nika, and I roast you. You're gonna do the most amazing things in college I know you will. I hope you'll remember Kent Place, high school, and the costchoes legacy All Too Well :))


Maya Ranji- 4th time's the charm i guess. it literally feels like i just met you yesterday, and you're leaving already. it's been a wild 18 months, and like that guy from the fault in our stars said, some infinities are bigger than others. i've loved every second of our 18 month long infinity. but it'll never be over, it's just changing! i'm so proud of you. when we met, you were doing your chp and now you're going to your dream school! QUEEN. i'll miss you so much next year. who's gonna give me rides and bring me food and give me advice and play the sims and listen to me and jay fight over the tv on facetime? technically, we can still play the sims and you can still listen to us fight over the tv and you'll be home sometimes but i'm really emo that you're not gonna be at kp anyway. i'll have to do my chp without you! i'll def have you read it tho. you're literally one of the best friends i will ever have. you're smart, caring, funny, nice, sweet, and a billion other positive adjectives. rip now im crying as i write this. thank you for being my role model and for coming to my softball game and for letting me bring big sticks for abby. i love you in a friendship way. i thought i'd conclude this sis note with a poem- kathy is wack she doesn't do crack her outfits sometimes smack lets hope she comes back (from college)


Bronwyn Terry- Thank you so much for being an amazing senior sister this year good luck at college!


Phoebe Eccles- Thanks for running around independently with me and being silly with me all the time! I’m so happy that you’ve been one of my close friends over the past year and I’m so sad that you won’t be here next year but I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in college!  Click to view image


Georgia Post-Lipnick- Hey Katherine, thank you so much for being so welcoming to me this year both at Kent Place and Njyc. You ALWAYS have a smile on your face and I appreciate you telling me all about senior tea! I'm going to miss you next year but I know you'll do amazing things at Tufts!!!


Caroline Benou

Kiley and Kaitlyn Parker - Dear Caroline, We can't believe it's been 12 years since we met you, made up our first dance routine, and became friends. And now you're going off to college!! Good luck at college and we hope you'll have so much fun! You've been like an older sister to us and we'll miss you so so much next year. It won't be the same without you! Love, Kiley and Kaitlyn


Francesca Callejas - Thanks for being a super fun senior sister! Good luck at SMU!


India Berry

See Groups page. 


Kaira Brown

 Christiana Nwachuku- Hey Kaira, thank you so so so much for helping me survive indoor and outdoor season. I don't know what I would've done without you. I have so many mems that I can't even begin to say. Unfortunately, I'll no longer be a freshman next year which means I can't pull the freshman card when people ask me about my times before a race but YOU WILL BE which means that I get to rightfully refer to you as 'freshman' like Grace Morris does to me and there is nothing you can do about it. I genuinely hope you love Vandy and I promise I'll leave all of your 400 records alone. Did I mention I hate 4's?


Samara Grannum- I first met you in middle school at 3:30 club and you tried very hard to intimidate me but sadly it did not work. You were one of the main reasons I joined the track team in the first place and although sometimes I don't know why I do it, I have so much fun with you and the rest of the team. You are the most honest and confident person I know and I admire that so much. Even though I make fun of you a lot I love you so much and you are going to kill it at Vanderbilt. The track team is not going to be the same without you and we are probably going to win a lot less races but it's okay because you are going to be doing great things. I will miss you more than you know and just know even though I don't show it I look up to you so much and you've definitely made a huge impact on my life.


Maggie Stanton- Kaira Brown. The Queen herself. Twinkle Toes. Walmart Sydney McLaughlin. Have an amazing time at Vandy! I am going to miss you so much next year!


Ryenn Engles- Brown, Kaira - Kaira!!!! I am going to miss you so so so much! You have been such a good friend to me these past two years. You are always so so happy and positive and I am going to miss seeing you everyday. I have no idea who is going to make me laugh super hard at soccer and track now. It is going to be so dull without you :(. I really hope I can be as happy and kind to the underclassman next year as you were to me. You are the best and I know you are going to CRUSH IT at Vanderbilt. You are going to be the greatest track star they have ever seen and I cannot wait to see you achieve BIG things and hear your name on TV!!!!! Love, Ryenn


Ariel Alleyne- Kaira Brown - Hey Kaira, thanks for being a great senior this year. You made soccer tolerable, and you honestly taught me how to run during winter track (Coach Kaira). I can't wait to see the great things you do at VANDY, and flex on everyone with your 100 pushups a day!!!! :)


Elynn Chang

Stacey Espiritu- Elynn! Thank you for being the sweetest pea there is. I don’t even remember how we first became friends but all I know is that we’ve had so many good times and memories. You have this warm energy around you that I just love and most definitely am gonna miss when you’re off thriving at Columbia-Julliard. When you come back to visit it’s only right that you come hang out with me as a fellow Livingston native. Love you forever cutie!


Georgia Post-Lipnick- Thank you so much for being the best senior sister!! Thank you for checking in with me throughout the year and being so nice. I remember eating lunch with you on the first day of school and being so excited to meet you. Also thank you for giving me bragging rights to tell everyone that MY senior sister is going to Juilliard and Columbia!! I'm going to miss you and I'm so excited to hear about all the amazing things that you do (idrk if anything can top playing Africa at Kent Place but still). Thank you again for everything! Click to view image


Lizzy Chrin

Grace McGinley - Good luck next year Lizzy!! PE won't be the same without you guys :(


Andra Constantin

Grace Holt- Andra, thank you for being the sweetest person and best role model I know. From freshman year advanced algebra where you made me feel welcome to chamber singers where we get to joke around and tease Keerthi, I have loved getting to know you better. Princeton is so lucky to have you!


Alexandra Pereira- Andra, I’m going to miss you so much next year! We’ve had so many great memories together since the fall of 2017, and I’m so sad I will no longer see you in the hallways, fencing practice, or chorale. Yet, I’m super happy and excited to see what amazing things college life and beyond have in store for you - you’re going to kill it!! Thanks for being a fantastic friend and captain.


Karla Perdomo - Andra, thank you for being such a huge role model at school! Knowing you went through seeds and were able to make it through your four years got me through a lot of situations. Thank you for making me feel more confident in being a part of seeds and your endless joy is contagious! Wish you the best in your journey after Kent Place!


Maggie Sher- Andra, thanks for being the best senior sister ever. You've been such an amazing example of what compassion, leadership and friendship should look like -- not just to me, but to my classmates and also prospective students (awesome job running Green Key btw!). I know I'll miss you when you leave for college, but I also know that I'll be okay navigating the rest of high school, partly due to the wonderful advice you've given me. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me -- from my awesome high school thrive kit to some starbucks. I know you'll thrive in college; have the best time!


Maya Vuchic- Andra, your kindness never fails to make me smile! From fencing to French class, chamber singers to chorale, I always love hanging out with you. I wish you the best of luck in college! Sending lots of love, Maya


Afia Oduro-Manu- Have fun making friends at Princeton, and don't steal their phones :)


Subha Chopra- You are one of the sweetest people I have ever known and I hope you have an amazing time at college. Stay awesome!


Tyler Newman- Andra it's rare to meet a pure soul, but you are the definition of one. Trebs was full of laughter this year because of you. Love you bbygrl, can't wait to see all the amazing things that you do!


Jayla Creekmur

Chelsie Nacelus- Thank you for being an amazing role model in all this time I've known you! You are so funny, kind, and caring! Only you would DM a step by step video for pep squad the night before the performance, and I love you for that! You will do such awesome things in college next year and hope you can come and visit sometime!

Gabrielle Narcisse- JAYLA!!! Im so excited to be at NYU with someone so talented, smart, and queenly. Although I make gun of everything from your height to most of what comes out of your mouth, you must remember that i truly love and admire you. I love your energy, your humor, listening to you attempt French poetry, etc. Thanks for being another cool film gal!


Samara Grannum- The first time I went to 3:30 club you and Kaira tried to intimidate me and Aya which just did not work. When I went to Shore Conference you convinced me to run for social committee rep for my grade and I did and now I am so excited to be the vice president next year. Social committee and track will not be the same without you next year. I will miss you at hurdle practices and on the relay. You are so funny and I am going to miss making jokes with you at practice next year. Thank you for all the help and support with everything and I hope you have fun being the best 400 hurdle runner at NYU.




Charlotte Crutchlow

Ellie Hegeman- Charlotte, I had a great time with you on the hockey team this year. It was reassuring to have a familiar face on the team. Thanks for welcoming me into the community this year, it means the world to me.


Josie Daab

Elizabeth Whyshner- Josie, I'm going to miss you so much next year! Thank you for driving me to Williams, encouraging me on the soccer field and always saying hi in the halls. You have made such an impact on me and I strive to be as dedicated, intelligent and wise as you. I have really enjoyed being in AP Statistics with you this year and that class would not have been that fun without you. I can't image going into another soccer season or going to Williams without you! 


Anonymous- Josie! Im so glad I talked to you more this year because you light up my life! I will never forget when you came into the art room and told me you always recognize my art style because when you’re bored in class you watch me doodle :,) that was a such a sweet and wholesome thing for you to tell me and I just wanted to lyk how I appreciate you!


Samara Grannum- It's crazy to think that I used to be scared of you and now we are so close. If it wasn't for you I definitely would never finish the work outs when coaches weren't watching or show up to practice when I just didn't want to go. Thanks for stepping in for 55 hurdles when we needed a fourth person and staying on the relay through the spring as well. I have no idea what we're going to do in sports next year because when you're not there we can't even remember the warm up. You are so funny and you always make practices 10x more fun. I don't know what we're going to do without your super cool socks next year and impromptu sleepovers. Remember you promised me a bacon party and a trip to Florida. Love you so much and have the most fun at BC next year.


Maggie Stanton- Josie, thank you so much for being an amazing friend. You mean so much to me, and I do not want you to leave. I will miss seeing you in the hallways as even having a small conversation puts a smile on my face. I know you are going to do big things at BC. Ryenn and I will definitely be visiting. Love you:)


Ryenn Engles- Josie!!! Please please please don't leave!!!!! I actually have no clue what I am going to do without you next year. Mainly because I am going to have to socialize with other people at WST now. Not sure if I can really do that. But seriously I am really not sure how the next two years are going to go. I am so lucky that I was able to experience two years of high school with you, even though things started out SUPER awkward and I was not even sure how to sit in your car because I was so afraid of you. I am not sure how sports are going to go next year without having you to talk to and to bicker (HA) with. Julia, Maggie, and I have some serious shoes to fill next year. Not even just sports though, I am really going to miss seeing you in school and talking to you when you just randomly come to the lounge because you are bored. I am also probably going to do bad in math now because you are not going to be able to help me but ok whatever its fine. I actually have no idea where you are going to college cause you still haven't decided, but I know that wherever you go you are going to be AMAZING wherever you end up. I also know that I am going to be visiting you so be prepared to have so much fun YAY! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me! I am so so thankful for our memories and laughs and I am so glad that we are friends. I am going to miss you so so so so so so so so so x100000000 and I hope that we stay friends so that when I bring you that taffy I promised you to your nursing home we will still have things to talk about. Seriously though, you cannot get away from me even though you are leaving. LOVE, Ryenn. OMG and Raplh the worm and Peanut, who is very sorry she peed on you (she asked me to tell you that)!


Phoebe Eccles - Thanks for being a great team captain on track! Even though you aren’t a distance runner anymore, I’ll always remember when it was just you and me running the 1600 and all the runs and warmups we did together! Congratulations on your graduation and good luck in college!  Click to view image


Stephanie Davidson

Emmy Wheatley- Hi Stephanie! This year has been a crazy one, and I’m so glad that you were here with me the whole time. You have been so supportive and kind, and always know how to make my day. I love seeing you in the hallways and seeing you smile as you say hi. You’re so sweet and I hope everything goes well for you in college!


Alexandra Pereira- Stephanie, thanks for being there to help me with any questions I had ever since my first day of school. I’m going to miss seeing you on the bus and in the halls, but I know you have great things in store the next four years and beyond!


Tyler Newman- Hey Steph! I honestly don't know where to start when describing how amazing you are. You've always looked out for me like a little sister, whether it was joking around in the Soprano section during KP Singers and Chorale or giving me advice on literally anything and everything. I aspire to be as caring and kind as you are Stephanie and to pay forward the same sisterhood that you shared with me to all the underclassmen at KPS. Lafayette doesn't know what they're about to get; you're an absolute powerhouse. I know we'll stay in touch, I can't wait to see all the glass ceilings you shatter. XOXO


Maddie Denenberg

Selena Liu- Hope you have an amazing time at college and a great end of the year! I'll miss you!


Erin Ducharme

Claire Bryant- We would always make jokes about how one day you were going to graduate and leave. When we would say this I tried to convince myself that it would never actually happen... but here we are. Thank you for all of the life lessons and advice. Good luck.


Samara Grannum- Thanks so much for making JV soccer so much fun. You included me in everything and we got so much closer. Thanks for everything Player Ducharme, and I'll miss you so much.


Sam Endlich

Claire Bryant - Guess what I was just watching. The little car vlog that we made. You and Erin are trying to explain to me that I should not get chicken nuggets if i don't want them. I think I ended up getting nuggets. Anyways, you did a great job as student affairs president and I will miss you a ton.


Clare Buckley- SAM! I am going to miss you so much next year! From JV soccer to JV softball, we have so much fun. I remember coming in to soccer preseason freshman year. I was so scared and you were so sweet and welcoming. JV soccer has been the best squad because of you and the seniors' leadership. You are such a great friend, role-model, and hardworking person. I'll miss you so much next year. I know you're going to do such great things. You won't get lost in the sauce! Love you!


Audrey Perry- SAM!! Good luck at Bucknell, you're gonna kill it! We are all gonna miss you so much and soccer won't be the same!


Lizzie Herr- Sammy!!!! Thank you for being such a good friend to me over these past three years! I am so glad to have met you at my freshmen preseason and I will miss you so so much next year!! JV Soccer and JSA will never be the same :( Thank you for always being someone I could look up to!! I hope you have the best time at Bucknell next year and do not be surprised if I show up to visit :)
P.S. It was such an honor to play you in the Big 6 Perf Co piece :)


Alex Sinins- Thanks for being the best senior sister ever! I am going to miss you so much next year! You are going to do amazing at Bucknell and you are going to be missed on JV Soccer! Love you!


Samara Grannum- We had so much fun in soccer and you made my first season of playing soccer amazing. You are going to kill it in college the jv soccer team will miss you so much.


Liz Cotter- I'm going to miss you so much next year! Thanks for teaching me so much about Student Affairs- I have a lot to live up to next year, and I hope I can continue everything that you started. Good luck at Bucknell! I can't wait to see what you do!!


Kelcie Engles

Grace McGinely- Congrats Kengles. Idk what I'm going to do without you next year. I don't really know how to play doubles so this is going to be awkward. Love u forever :((((( xx


Cadence Rice- Hi Kelcie! I hope you have a great time at Wake Forest and you're going to do so well! It was so nice to have you as my senior sister going into freshman year. In the beginning of the school year, it was a lot of fun watching Charlie Brown and hanging out with you. I'm so happy for you and you were a great senior sister :)


Ryenn Engles - Kelcie!!! YAY you made it. I'm gonna keep this short and sweet because I can literally go to your room and bother you/talk to you anytime I want until you leave. I am going to miss seeing you everyday and yelling at you in the mornings because you were moving too slowly. Maybe next year I will make it to school before 8:11 everyday!!!!! I have no idea how I am going to survive only childhood. Pray for me please. You are going to be amazing at Wake and I am super excited to visit and make all your friends like me more than you!! See you at home HA! Love, Ryenn


Abigail Evangelista

Samara Grannum - Lesson learned I will never mess with you again even though you untied my shoe first. The track team will miss you so much and I have no clue how you do literally every event but it's literally insane. Hurdle practice is so much fun when you're there and it won't be the same without you. Thanks for putting up with me all season and have the most fun in college.


Gretchen Cadranell - Thanks for being my senior sister this year! Good luck at AU!


Sophia Fanelle

Leah Cohn - Hi Sophia! Thank you so much for being an amazing senior sister! It was so sweet of you this year when you always said hi to me in the halls, and helped me to learn what high school is all about. I really enjoyed meeting with you for bagels in the beginning of the year and I hope we can stay in touch! I also really hope you continue to make your own clothes and jewelry, they are so beutiful! Congratulations on graduating and I wish you the best of luck next year in college!


Phoebe Eccles - Even though I wish we could’ve played together more, playing the Vivaldi double concerto with you will be one of my fondest memories of playing the cello! I’m so happy that you’ve shared your art with me and I hope you continue to share it with the world in the future! I wish you the best of luck in college and know that we’ll miss you lots at Kent Place!


Vivienne Germain - I am so glad we both ended up at Kent Place so that we could get to know each other better. I admire you so much – your style, your musical prowess, your ability to speak French so well... You are also so kind, and seeing you in the halls always brightens my day. I'll miss you next year, but I can't wait to see all of the big things you'll do. Have fun at Barnard!


Maya Vuchic - Sophia, I am so glad that we got to spend time together this year! Your smile is contagious, and you always know how to put me in a good mood. I will miss you so much in Chamber Singers and Orchestra next year... keep making beautiful music wherever you go :) ~Maya


Emma Fischer

Grace Holt - Emma thank you for being a great friend and person to talk to. No one I'd rather fund the businesses of Ridgewood with! I'll miss you so much next year. I guess I'll have to fly over to visit...


Julie Fischer - Hey Emma! Congrats on finally getting to leave America and getting the mountain house all for yourself next year. I have to admit, I'm gonna miss the car rides in Lightning, the endless advice, the photoshoots, and the weird family dinners. It just won't be the same without you. Sadly, I know I won't get your room but I still call dibs on whatever clothes you decide not to bring to Geneva. I hope you have fun and I'm expecting great things for you. Crevette will miss you (me too).  Click to view image

Skyler Ford

Gabrielle Narcisse - Skyler! You and I are always on the same wavelength girl. I love your humor, our conversations, and your energy. Thank you for being someone so easy to talk to! I am so excited to see what you will do in college and beyond! Thank you for being you.


Stacey Espiritu - Skyler. Over the past few months, I think I’ve seen a little too much of you. So I guess that you could say that you’ve been an ∫integral part of my life. Oof. I don’t know who I’m gonna struggle with in math anymore but I guess I’ll just have to manage :/ Thanks for being my friend. You better reply to my texts tho. Be ready for me to pull up at UPenn. Ik hou van je.. I guess. Miss you already :p  Click to view image


Miranda Lorsbach - Thank you for being a great senior sister this year! You have been really sweet helping me get adjusted to high school. I wish you the best of luck at Penn-- I know you'll do amazing!!! :)


Freshmen Swimmers - Thanks for being such nice and fun captain this season! You brought such good energy to the team. We wish you the best at UPenn!


Lucy Friedland

Julie Soldat - Thank you so much for being my co-president for ASL club this year. I dont think I could have gotten the club off the ground without your devotion and help. Good luck in college!


Sarah Garde

Maddie Estey - Although I'm going to miss you (a lot), I'm so happy that you are going to Scotland and will be near your prince! You two look AMAZING together and after I got over the fact that he was only like, 7th in line for the throne, I realized how great he was ;) (Coach K is so ready for the wedding, we gotta break it to him soon). I bet there will be lots of room on the grounds of your castle in Scotland to flex your jav skills. Remember, FULL approach, don't mess up :)))) But in all seriousness, I love spending time with you at track practice and at meets. You are super funny and kind and I know you will do great things in college! I'll miss you so much!


Tara Balan - Sarah Garde!! Oh how I’ve missed being in your Latin class this year!! I hope that you had fun staring at the guy across the street, and that plenty of silly things were said even in my absence. Good luck at St. Andrews and have fun being in Scotland--don't forget to read Ecce Romani every night before you go to bed!


Jessie Zietsman - Sarah! Congrats on Saint Andrews and on finishing high school!! Can't wait to see you do big things


Victoria Nouss - Thank you for being such an amazing big sister to me! I am so happy I got to know you this year because your awesome :) I hope you have a blast at college!!


Julie Soldat - wow I'm so emo that you aren't going to be on the volleyball team next year, nor will throwing be the same without your constant sarcasm and your Danish prince Nikolai. Will we ever tell coach k the truth about him? Probably not. Best of luck overseas and have a good ole time.  Click to view image


Natalie Gemici

Mira Pantozzi - Hey Natalie! It's your fav coding master and physics scholar here, and I just want to say I have had so much fun getting to know and become friends with you this year. Not to boost your ego too much, but you are so cool and even if my dad may or may not think you're a hooligan (i doubt he does) I think you're the greatest. I'm going to miss you and the rest of the tickle or be tickled squad so much next year. Enjoy your first year of college in Paris you lucky duck! And keep drinking those yerbas ;)


Samara Grannum - JV soccer was so much fun with you there and you made my first season great. Thank you for all the starbucks drinks and most importantly taking me to chick-fil-a for the first time. I wouldn't want to sit on the bench with anyone else and maybe one day you can come over for Sunday roast and you can officially meet Toni and Roger. Thanks for everything and I'll miss you so much.


Lizzie Herr - Natalie thank you for making JV Soccer even more fun than it was before you joined! I will miss our times together on the bench and you so much next year! I cannot wait to go sailing with Asher and your dad. Have the best time at USC!!


Zarah Bari - Erin I love you girly pops!!!!!!!!!


Natalie Gilfillian

Claire Bugliari - Thank you so much for being such a great senior sister this year! From bringing me Starbucks, getting me a Christmas gift, giving me candy on my birthday, and driving me places, you have made my freshmen year so much better and a lot easier! Lacrosse has been especially fun and I don't know what we will do without you next year. I am so sad that you have to leave, but I know that you are going to have such a great time at college! I'll miss you next year!! 


Gillian Gogliormella

Phoebe Eccles - Thanks for being such an amazing stand partner! I’ll always remember the STARs sitting next to you when we’d frantically push the music back onto the stand as the singers would walk by! Good Luck in college next year!


Anna Gomez

Aya Mtume - Anna! spanish class won’t be the same without you. i hope that you spanish skills will forever live on. especially your thumbs up drawings. don’t forget to bust down ! voy a extrañarte! i know that you’re gonna kill it at Vandy! 


Maggie Sher - ANNA!!! you're my favorite official unofficial older sister. thanks for making trebs a litty time and for always finding that awkward choir pic funny in mrs thomas's room. ur the best njyc gal in the game, and also u were MaGniFiCeNt with jill and katherine during the o holy night trio. ive known you long time and i love u lots. you and jill are my favorite people to send ugly selfies to. we have soooo many blackmail pics on each other. have the best time at vandy and please visit a lot. thanks for letting me eat bread in ur car that one time. 


Stacey Espiritu - Annie! I love you. You’ve been there for me through thick and thin. Thank you for always being one of my best friends and the person I know I can lean on. Through my highs and lows, you’ve been there through it all. You finally made it through all four years and you’ve also helped me get 3/4ths of the way. Thank you for always talking through things with me and giving me advice. I always know that when we’re together it’s gonna be a good time. I genuinely don’t know where I’d be without you. My ride or die, #1 homie, and supporter. Now I’m not gonna have you to pull me out of my bag :( But, I also know you’re still always gonna have my back and I’m gonna have yours. I’m gonna miss you so much but I know you’ll be thriving down at Vandy. Thanks for being my friend forever. Love you!


Ariel Lashinsky - - I can't believe we've been friends for over six years. Thanks for always scaring me and then giving me the biggest hug when I get mad that you scared me. I wouldn't trade it for anything. You have one of the biggest hearts out of anyone I know and you care so much for those that you love, which is one of things I admire most about you. I love being around you because I never know if I'm going to get punched in the arm or a giant hug. Thanks for always playing SpikeBall with me, going out to dinner at Trattoria, cheering me up when I'm sad, and drinking my coffee every time you pass me in the hallway. I'm so sad I'm not gonna be able to shout "Hi Anna Gomez" in the hallway next year and not hear back "Hi Ariel Lashinsky" but I can't wait to see you thriving in college. I love you tons and I'm gonna miss having your presence in my life everyday!


Vivienne Germain - - I can't believe you are going to college. I remember when you were really small and we barely knew each other (I'm so glad we actually became real friends lol), and now I love you to the moon and back, and you're leaving me. But I know that you will have an AMAZING time at Vandy, you will THRIVE, and I will be cheering you on from NJ. A few things: (1) don't wander out of nashville (2) buy more shirts (3) visit me frequently. I will miss you so much, Banana Bear Gomez. Thanks for being a great GSA co-president and a great friend.
P.S.: wave (circle?)


Afia Manu- Oduro - Thank you for being my ROOTS buddy, accepting me into Trebs and making me an Alto II instead of an Alto I, and occasionally giving me your Tito's. Have fun @ Vandy!!


Grace Martin - Thanks for always talking to me and making me laugh in NJYC even back when I was quiet. Im going to miss you lots next year. Best of luck at Vanderbilt. Come back and visit!


Audrey Alix - Whats up! Thanks for always been so nice to me, even if I can be a bit annoying sometimes. I will miss you!


Sejal Gude

 Samara Grannum- Even though you quit track this year and I'm still not really over it I'll miss you so much. We had so many ice cream and pizza trips last year and it won't be the same without you there. You're so funny and nice and it won't be the same without you there. I'll miss you so much next year have the best time at college.


Zoe Campbell-I will miss you so much! So glad we became closer this year. Can't wait to drive 3 hours from the airport to visit you at Illinois! I know you're going to do great things!


Stacey Espiritu- Sejal we’ve been balling together since we were in middle school and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Even as the Team Manager, you always managed to find a way to support all of us both on and off the court. You’ve always been there for me and I’m so glad I can call you my bud :) Illinois is LUCKY to have you. I’m so ready to see all of the great things that you do. Love you :)


Ava Zaleck- Sejal! We are going to miss you so much next year, but we know you're going to do amazing things in college! Thanks for all the rides and being an AMAZING Girls Who Code leader! #girls #who #code - Ava and Shefali <3


Audrey Alix- SEJJJJ! You are a real one! Even though I know you because you and Eleanor are like BFFS, this past year we have become friends. Throwback to when my mom was 2 hours late so you babysat me at school (hahaha). Thanks for laughing at me when I told you I was talking comp sci A and saying "hahah why would you do that to yourself" and then saying you were proud of me. You, Maggie and I are a good team when it comes to throwing surprise parties! I always get so excited when I see you and I am always excited when you come over to hang out with Eleanor. Please come visit me next year! I will miss you so so much.

Emily Hanson

Gabrielle Narcisse- Howdy Emily! I just wanted to write you a note to tell you how I appreciate your meme taste, your ~funky fresh~ phineas and ferb illustration, and our shared love of astrology. Thank you for being you, I’m so excited to see how you will impact the world through your art/creativity!


Kelsa McKern- I know we haven't really interacted much throughout the year, but you were always really sweet to talk ti, and getting to see your amazing art in the gallery was incredible! Good luck next year, and in all the years to come!


Grace Hillabrant

Stacey Espiritu- Grace! Now that you’re gonna be all the way at UCLA, I’m gonna miss going to McCools JUST to link up with you. We got close in your single but glorious year of field hockey and since then we’ve been thriving. Even when we don’t get to talk as much, I always know that you have my back. Thank you for being someone that I know is always there even just to listen to my stories. I’m so glad that I got the chance to get to know you these past couple years and I’m so excited to see all the amazing things you do! I miss you already! Love you!


Tyler Newman- Grace Hilly what would I do without you. You're one of the seniors that I immediately clicked with. You're hilarious, a fashion icon and the best video collaber. What more could a girl ask for? lol I know you're going to do BIG THINGS at UCLA; I'll be sure to drop by whenever I'm in Cali. 


Abby Nibauer- Hi Grace! You've been such a great senior sister to me this year, and thank you for helping me and introducing me to Kent Place!! You're going to do great at UCLA!!

Lexi Hobbs

Phoebe Eccles- Thanks for being a great co-captain during cross country and a sympathetic and understanding mom of the XC team! A good laser tag player would be an understatement saying that you scored over half the points for our team! Good luck in college next year! Click to view image

Madison Hobbs

Margo Costigan- Hey Madison! Thanks for being such an amazing mock trial captain and witness. Good luck at college next year!


Samara Grannum-I have literally known you since I got to Kent Place and I cannot explain how much I am going to miss you. You have impacted my life so much and you basically guided me through all of high school. Thank you for everything you've done for me and I am going to miss you next year.


Iman Handy- I LOVE YOU. Jack and Jill won’t be the same without you!


Vivienne Germain- Wow wow wow you're going to college. How did this happen????? Just yesterday we were 4 years old at the circus. Just yesterday we were planning our trip to Martha's Vineyard, working on WOA, running a lemonade stand, and claiming we were twins. Then we got all grown and strange. Since 2005, you have been my one and only sister, and I love you so much for it. I am so glad that we became even closer over the past few years, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I am beyond proud of you for everything that you have accomplished, and I know that you're going to kill it at Harvey Mudd. I would expect nothing less of you. Idk what I'm going to do without you here in mapso. I love you forever   Click to view image 


Adaora Dadson- Thanks for helping me throughout this year whether it's tutoring me or telling me to stop being dumb, I really appreciate it lol :)


Anna Hogarth

Maya Vuchic- Anna, It was a joy working on Windward with you this year! Thanks for being a great Senior Editor. All the best in college! Maya


Afia Oduro-Manu-Have fun @ Amherst! Don't forget about Windward though! :)


Emma Yang- Thanks for being the nicest senior sister ever!


Tyler Newman- You're a beautiful spirit Anna ;)

Ethia Hu

Alexandra Pereira- Ethia, thank you for being a reliable, friendly, kind, and talented captain of the Fencing team. We’re really going to miss you next year, but I know you’ll do fantastically in college!


Maya Vuchic- Ethia, thank you for making fencing so much fun this year! Without your help, I honestly would not be the foil I am today :) The team won't be the same without you next year! Best of luck in college! Maya


Grace Weiss- Hi Ethia!! This year in dance has been so much fun with you! I have enjoyed choreographing our studies and learning your senior project, which was so much fun to perform! Congratulations on Boston College! We'll miss you next year in Chamber Dancers!!! I hope you have a lot of fun in college!! ~ Grace :)


Paulina Kachalova- It has been awesome working with you in all of our dances together! You are so funny and sweet and dance is so fun with you. I'm so glad that I was in your senior project. I hope you have the best time at college!

Keerthi Jayaraman

Ms. Chaffee-Cohen-It has been such an amazing year in Community Service thanks to your leadership, Keerthi. Your joy and passion are contagious and I am sure that you have inspired many KPS students, faculty, and others. I am looking forward to seeing where the next adventure takes you. 


Grace Holt- *sigh* Oh Keerthi! I don't know a better way to start off than that. Chamber Singers has been so fun this year with you and won't be the same next year without you sitting next to me every day or struggling with me to find our part. You never fail to make me laugh with your constant "bathroom" breaks or aggressive shoves in the middle of a song. Also, your hard work and dedication to everything you do, especially as a leader, is a big inspiration for me. I can't wait to get your sacred folder next year and add on some drawing of my own! Click to view image


Lizzie Herr- Keerthi thank you for being such a great leader of both GLAMD and Community Service this year! You have brought so many great new opportunities to this school from bringing hands-on service to school to revamping the KP-SPP Exchange! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me over these years starting from the time that you toured me on my revisit day in eighth grade!!


Alexandra Pereira- Keerthi, thank you for the legacy you’ve left at Kent Place and for everything you've done for our community. It’s been so great getting to know you the past two years through GLAM’D, the GenHERation trip, and more. I’m really going to miss you next year. You’re going to do great things in the future; I’d say good luck, but I know you won’t need it!!


Clare Buckley- Keerthi! Thank you so much for all your work in GLAM'D and community service. Thanks to you, I became inspired to join the community service committee. I know you'll do amazing things next year! <3


Gabrielle Narcisse - Keerthi! You are one powerhouse of a woman! I’ve never met someone as committed to their cause as you. You want something, you do it, and you never take no for an answer. And the results are impeccable. I find comfort knowing you will be out in the world impacting it for the greater good. Thank you for being you.


Adithi Jayaraman-  Keethi, I cannot believe you are done with high school! I still remember the hectic mornings of our elementary school years in which Mommy would struggle to get us dressed and make us burnt waffles. Time has really flown by and everything is going to be so different when you leave! However, I know you will do amazing things at UPenn and make amazing friends! I know it may not seem this way all of the time, but you are my best friend and I really would not have been able to make it through these past 17 years without you! We have had some of the most amazing times together and I am really going to miss those moments when you leave for college! Click to view image 


Karla Perdomo-Thank you for being the best senior sister a girl could ever ask for! Thank you for being such a big inspiration to me academically and morally! I could not imagine 9th grade without you! I wish you the best in UPenn and all of your ventures after Kent Place!


Eliza Lox-Thank you so much for being a great president of community service. You brought so many amazing things to the committee and we will miss you next year!


Phoebe Eccles-You’ve some such an amazing job leading community service and GLAM’D this year, but I’ll always remember the first time I met you when I was only in 8th grade on my visit day! From the very start you made me feel so welcome and I knew that joining this community was the right choice! Good luck in college and I hope one day you and Adithi can get a dog!


Madeline Estey- Keerthi! You are such an amazing person and so fun to hang out with! I had lots of fun with you at the hackathon and can't believe it took us so long to talk to each other : ) Best of luck!!!

Laura Jeffries

Lane Patterson- I'm so sad to see you go even tho i know you're gonna kill it at Hamilton! you are the best girl!!!! mun and school won't be the same without you. love you tons!!!


Sarah Johnson 

Zoe Campbell - I am going to miss you, your sock of the month, pics in the library, playaaa, pinkity drinkity, annnddd of course your going to miss kitty. I could not imagine the last 2 years without you. You never fail to make me laugh or smile and I do not know how I am going to survive sports or spanish presentations without you. BC got so lucky and I can not wait to visit you!! Love you you wild kid.  Click to view image


Stacey Espiritu - Sarah! My girl. Thanks for always being there to have a good time with me. Whether we’re on that basketball grind or not, I can always rely on you to make me laugh. There was never I time where you didn’t make me feel welcome. You’ve got the kindest soul and I’ve always wanted to be like you as both a friend and a leader. You’re forreal somethin special and I can’t wait to see you go off at BC. Love you!


Ariel Lashinsky - Thanks for being my day one Villagers girl! I can't believe it's been seven amazing years of friendship. Thanks for talking to me during my first year of softball in 4th grade and making me feel included. You are such a genuine and chill person and I appreciate that more than anything. Thanks for all the pep talks when I'm getting down on myself and for all the laughs that immediately cheer me up. Sorry for taking over your spot at first base, but it's okay because I can thank you for being the best outfielder a girl could ask for. I love you so much and I'm gonna miss not having your positive energy around all the time. Can't wait to see you kill it in college!


Aya Mtume - well, well, well. hello there sarah. i feel like i’ve known you for a long periolodically time. i’ll never forget awkwardly seeing each other in the halls and waving from a far. i remember last year when you and gigi were doing the shoot dance and i thought that you were pretty cool but you should not be in pep squad because of some of your moves. last summer will forever go down in the history books because you helped me get in closer with my mans. too bad i didn’t secure the bag :( but it’s okay bc we made some mems that i won’t forget. thanks for eating lunch with me and morgan over the summer and being the goat. BC ain’t ready. love you! Click to view image


Disha Karale

Maya Vuchic - Disha, you were my favorite person to sit next to in Physics! Thanks for making the year fun :) I'll miss you when you go off to UPenn! You're going to do great things! Maya


Grace McGinley - Good luck next year, you're going to kill it at Penn! Love u bioethics buddy


Phoebe Eccles - Thanks for always being absolutely hilarious on cross country and being a great friend since then! I’ll miss you a lot next year Disha, but I know you’re gonna do great things!  Click to view image 


Aynsley Kaufman

Lizzie Herr - Hi Aynsley! Random but throwback to the time you toured me when I was in eighth grade! Thank you for being such a great tour guide and influencing my decision to come to Kent Place! I will miss you in Community Service next year and hope you have a great time at Georgetown! :) 


Sasha Khidekel

Tyler Newman- you're an absolute QUEEN Sasha never forget it! Thanks for all the good time, the tech hub is gonna feel empty without you. <3


Margo Costigan -
hey Sasha, 
Thanks for being such an amazing robotics co-leader and also the best juggler I know. Hope your experience at Johns Hopkins next year is ~riveting!


Ruby Pollack - 
This past year has been so much fun with you and robotics. I honestly don’t think I would have had such a fun time if you were not one of the captains. Wow! You’re graduating! That crazy to think because even though we have only known each other for a year, I feel we became pretty good friends. I will miss our car rides and talking about APs, but most importantly I will miss not having to tag you in Stix(sorry about that!). Anyway, jokes aside, I can’t wait to visit you at John Hopkins and can’t wait to see what your future holds.  Click to view image


Tara Balan - Sasha, you probably know excessive amounts about my life just from sitting in the math studio every Block D this year and Block H last year, doing your homework whilst I talk about absolute nonsense for an hour, then complain about how unproductive I was, and proceed to do so again the next day. Good luck at Johns Hopkins and I hope that you take some more exciting “post AP” Latin classes!


Gabrielle Narcisse - Sasha! I wanted to write you this note to thank you for all the support you’ve given me for the past 4 years! I’m so excited to read the long collection of quotes you’ve accumulated and to see what the future holds for you! I know your intelligence and spirit will change the world for the better :)


Maddie Estey - Sasha! I'm going to miss you so much! Thank you for being a great robotics leader and for laughing at all of my jokes (which probably weren't funny so thanks again) and the stupid things I have done. I'm also super sorry (kind of) for helping Ruby come up with a master plan to get you out of STIX :( Whoops. Can't wait to see what you do in college!! Theo and I will miss you very much #RoboDragzForever :)))


Subha Chopra - Thank you for being an amazing robotics captain and friend. I hope you have an amazing time at college and make sure to keep in touch!



Emma Chan -  Hi Sasha! Thanks for being an awesome Peer Ed Leader and tolerating me eating like 15 cookies at once. Good luck in college and I know you'll do awesome things! 


Sofia Kwon

Tyler Newman- You inspire me more than you know. You really held down Spectrum this year, I always knew I could count on you to lead meetings and bring interesting thoughts to the discussions. Stacey and I will have some big shoes to fill. Good luck in college Sofia, you're going to change the world!! <3


Olivia Kwon - It's Ava from Livi's computer. I am so happy that you are going to college. I hope you learn how to cook and that you meet a good boyfriend (to makehalmoni proud). I'm still trying to make your room a bouncy castle. Good luck in college. Love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Olivia Kwon, 2 - Hey Sofie !! It's your favorite Kent Place Sister, Olivia (the one whose literally your sister) !! Anyways, I just wanted to write that I am so incredibly proud of you and so lucky to call you my sister. I know that you are going to go on to do great things. Can't wait to visit you up at Columbia !! Love you.


Adithi Jayaraman - Sofia! I cannot believe you are graduating! Even though I really got to know you through Keerthi, I feel as though we have really bonded over the past few years! From carpooling for EdGift to Ethics Bowl practices and competitions, we have experienced so much together and from those experiences, I have been able to grow and learn from your amazing example! What I really admire about you is your ability to be in the moment and just have fun! You are always cracking jokes in Ethics Bowl practices, managing to lighten the serious mood. I don't know what we are going to do without you next year, but I am most certain that your presence will certainly be missed! I wish you the best of luck at Colombia and I know you are going to do such great things! Love, Adithi


Emma Chan - Hi Sofia! Congrats on finishing senior year!!! I just wanted to say thanks for the writing advice you gave me, it really meant a lot to me. Good luck in college and I'm sure you'll do amazing things!


Elizabeth Miller - I will miss you so much next year! Chorale will never be the same without you! I know you will do amazing things in college <3!


Sarah Landriau

Arden Meyer - Hey Sarah! Thanks for being an amazing senior sister this year! Playing soccer with you was so much fun and I know that you'll kill it at Illinois! Good luck in college, soccer won't be the same without you!


Jaida Larkin

Stacey Espiritu - Jaida! Sweet bean! Thank you for always being there for me. We’ve come a long way and I honestly can’t remember a time where we weren’t having fun. I’ll forever be grateful for the time you came with me to Six Flags on my birthday and we made a triller together and even got noticed XD. Every time we talk, we’re always able to pick up right where we left off. You’ve been someone I know I can turn to and I hope that I’ve been that person for you too. I’m so proud of you and know that you’re gonna do big things at Hamilton. You’re cool. Love you. 


Nicki Leffler

Phoebe Eccles - Even though we only got to be running buddies/twins for a year, I had so much fun with you on XC! We’ll miss you lots next year, but wish you the best in college! Click to view image


Gabrielle Narcisse - L e f f l errrrrrrrRrrrr! Oh my favorite wannabe kink. I love the way you torment me, I love your storytimes, I love your side gig as a hype man, I love that time we were @ tacoria, I love your intelligent brain, i love how passionate you are about right and wrong, i love when you whisper sweet nothings to me, i love when you sing your own version of soul train to me... I could go on but I think what I am trying to say is... you are one of my favorite people and I’m gonna miss seeing you all the time next year. I love you so much (but i love Jean-MarK more)


Allison Baun - Thanks for everything. I will miss seeing you during swim season. I hope you have so much fun at Princeton!! Good luck <3

Lauren Lindner

Sarika Somaiya - I remember not long ago when we rode together and how much I looked up to you. I used to see you almost everyday, now I see you in the halls sometimes, soon I will see you very little. I am going to miss you so much and hope you have so much fun at college. I hope you party hard and have the time of your life.


Caroline Lubow

Tara Balan - Hey Caroline wanna hear a funny story? ok so! It’s not really a story but you’re super cool and the best calc buddy. I had lots of fun with you this year at our calc table, as well as sliding into your DMs and explaining the Taylor Swift conspiracy theories. Good luck at Cornell and I hope you listen to some of Taylor’s 7th album when it comes out!


Pilar Torres - Thank you for being such a great senior sister! You made my freshman year so much better! Please visit and watch as many games as you can. You have helped me become a better person and player. I look forward to trying to treat my freshman sister as well as you treated me in a few years. You have made in irreplaceable impact on the school and will be missed, but the time has come for you to achieve even greater and bigger things! Good luck, but I don’t think you will need it :))


Michaela Markels


Tyler Newman- I'm going to miss you, Michaela! Chinese class won't be the same without you.


Annabel Prunty -
thank you so much for being such an amazing senior sister this year!
i really appreciate your advice that guided me through freshman year. model un was so fun as well! wishing you the best of luck in college and hope to see you on campus again soon! 💖💖💖✨✨


Lane Patterson - I can't believe you're leaving me!!! I love you and will miss you so much. Expect too many visits xoxo Lane

Colleen McAloon

Ryenn Engles - Colleen! Thank you so so much for actually being my chemistry tutor. You have no idea how much I appreciate that because I know that you had a lot of work of your own and you never failed to answer my questions anyway. I have no idea what I would have done without you this year. Soccer and winter track are not going to be the same without you :(. I am going to miss making fun of you for throwing up by the goal where I needed to slide tackle HA!!! I am also going to miss our separate captains meetings when Josie was with coach because that was super fun. You BETTER keep in touch with me because I actually have no clue what I am going to do without you I am going to miss you so so so so SO much Big Bean :(. You are going to CRUSH IT at Bowdoin! My worm will miss you too! LOVE Ryenn and Ralph!!


Lane Patterson - don't leave me!!! I would not have been able to get through lacrosse without u and u make everyday more fun. i love u so much and i cant wait to visit next year!!!!!!


Samara Grannum - I was literally terrified of you for majority of my time at Kent Place but I am so glad that we became friends. The winter track hurdle squad will not be the same without you at all and next year I will miss you so much. I have no idea who I am going to annoy constantly at practice or in the hallways and who I am going to make cry when I say I can draw a pig. We have had so many fun memories especially this past season and I will never forget all the fun times we had. Even though there was the little incident that you don't remember happening when I was in first grade and you were in third, just know I will never ever forget that. Love you and I will miss you sooo much next year at track and around schools. Have fun next year playing lacrosse in college even though you should definitely be running track.


Sanjana Shah - Thank you so much for being an amazing senior sister! As a freshman I didn't know much about Kent Place and especially since you were a lifer you taught me a lot. Thank you for helping me during the soccer and lacrosse season. You gave me amazing advice and I hope we can stay in touch when you go to college. I hope you will have fun playing lacrosse at Bowdoin and I will miss you!


Liz Cotter - I can't think of another person I would want to play lacrosse every year since fifth grade with. I'm going to miss you soso much, both on and off the field, and I can't wait to watch you kill it in college! ily!!


Sarah McDowell

Gabriella DePlasco - Hey Sarah, thanks for being a great senior sister! Les Mis was so fun with you. Thanks for helping me adjust to high school as well. I will miss you.


Aidan McGuire

Samara Grannum - Even though I make fun of you a lot at track practices I am still going to miss you a lot next year. Track and hurdling won't be the same without you and I hope that your knee feels better eventually. Have fun people watching when you're in college. 


Elizabeth Sorvino Mancini - Hey Aidan! Thank you for being an amazing senior sister this year and helping me adjust. I know that you will do great at Dickinson and I can’t wait to see all that you become.


Lexy McNair

Kate Lowry - Thank you for being an amazing senior sister this year! I really loved all the advice! Good luck in college I know you’ll do great!!


Vivienne Germain -- Congratulations on your graduation!!  (Feels crazy that we've gotten so old.) You were my first friend when I was in nursery, and it's really cool how we got to start and end our school journeys together and watch each other grow along the way.  I can't wait to hear about all of the amazing things that you will do in the years to come.  I'll miss you! 


Kiana McQuade

Phoebe Eccles - Thanks for always being so supportive and helpful! I’ve done 6 seasons of sports with you and you always help me to be a better runner! Good luck in college next year! I hope you get to fly a ton! Click to view image


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