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2/26/24 Announcements

Ms. Murphy’s Weekly Announcements: here

Community Service Committee

The annual Community Service Cake Sale is coming up! Each advisory can order at most two cakes and can pick a flavor and icing of their choice. Each cake is $15, and you can also add customizations to your cake for an extra $5. You can also order gluten-free cupcakes for $2 each! The proceeds from this fundraiser will be going to the Impact Africa Foundation, which is an organization based in Kenya that aims to equip young people experiencing poverty with educational resources and other tools to succeed. Please make sure that your advisories fill out the form by spring break!

Performance Company

We’re excited to announce that our next PerfCo show will be this Friday, 3/1! Come by the Field House to see us perform. Also, coming to the show counts for PE credit, so you don’t have to worry about missing PE.

Ms. Thomas

Congratulations to the cast and crew of She Kills Monsters!


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