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3/28/23 Announcements

Ms. Murphy’s Weekly Announcements: here

English Department

Congratulations to Kayla P. and Lorelei G., who were both recognized in a New York Times contest! Visit this link to view Kayla’s published work along with the work of other contest winners.

Music For Change

It’s still not too late to sign up for auditions to be part of this incredible event! There are still audition slots available for Thursday and Friday- you can sign up for one here. Also, please keep in mind that the end goal is four pieces per each of our main themes: Empowering Women, Protecting the Environment, and Helping Children. We have an abundance of auditions for the Empowering Women category- which is great, but we need to spread the wealth to some of the other themes. If you haven’t yet signed up, please consider choosing one of the two other themes. It’s also not too late to change your audition piece if possible. Thanks and we look forward to your auditions!!


It’s that time of year: Committee President and VP elections for next school year are being held! President positions are full-year while VP positions are a half-year role, and positions are open to both rising Juniors and Seniors. Catherine Paris will soon be sending out an email with more information and instructions on how to apply to run- if you have any questions, you can contact her at

Athletic Association

Get excited- our schoolwide dodgeball tournament is coming up soon! It’ll be held on Wednesday, 4/5 from 2:30-3:30 in the gymnasium. Also, Caitlin Williams will be sending out an email for a March Madness bracket competition. The email will have a form to fill out predicting who will win the last 4 March Madness games, and whoever’s guesses are the most accurate will win a prize for their advisory. Lastly, congratulations to Dr. Galambos for winning the faculty ping pong tournament!

Student Affairs

We’re excited to announce that the annual tradition of Stix will be returning this coming Monday, 4/3! Everyone will receive their stick at Morning Meeting that day, and the game will officially begin at 10:30. Look out for an email with more information, and get ready for the fun!

Performance Company

We’re happy to announce that our next PerfCo show will be this Friday, 3/31, from 2:30-3:30 in the theater! We put a lot of hard work into the show and it’s really funny, so we’d appreciate it if you could come out to see it.


April is Neurodiversity Celebration month, so in honor of this DEA will be hosting a Celebrate Neurodiversity Day! More information will follow soon, and in the meantime you can email Lilly Fanelle ( or Gray Young ( if you have questions or are interested in participating.


A reminder FACTS night will be on Friday, 3/31 from 6-8:30pm in the Great Room! There will be food provided for attendees- speaking of which, you can sign up here to volunteer to bring in a dish! We truly appreciate any support!


April 7th is the final day for Windward submissions! It’s definitely not too late to start making a piece to submit, but please do so by the deadline so that your pieces can have a chance to be featured in the Windward newsletter!


Our Night of Deliberation will be on Wednesday, 3/29 from 6-8pm in the Great Room. There is an entrance fee of $10 to cover pizza and desserts. Some of the topics for debate will be: whether or not PE should be mandatory, whether the gradebook should be open, and whether invisibility is better than flying. Get excited!


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