BCA has a meeting today, be there or be square! We will be playing a Black Facts Kahoot.
Community Service
Community Service will be having a meeting today, and we will be learning about the fascinating work exceptional people are doing in the name of service in addition to discussing and planning upcoming events!
GLAM'D will have our first meeting of the year today! We plan to film our "Girl Pledge" in which we will be reflecting on what we plan to get out of the year and what we pledge to stand up for today and always.
Green Key
This coming week starts the day-long campus visits for applicants for next year. This means two things. First, it means that adult and student visitors will be coming through our hallways. Be aware of this in terms of what you say and where you say it! Keep it positive! Second, it would be wonderful to have people say hello and welcome visitors whether it is an applicant with a 9th grade host or a parent taking a campus tour. Help them feel what a welcoming and friendly school we are!
Ms. Woodall
Ms. Woodall discussed the importance of being a community during divisive political times.
Social Committee
Come to today’s Social Committee meeting if you want to help plan the upcoming Fall Dance and the Freshman Mixer!
Third Grade Spanish Students
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, some of KP’s third graders spoke in Spanish about the flags of Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.
Cross Country
Cross Country is running at Shore Coach’s Invitational on Saturday Holmdel, which is our hardest course.
International Day of the Girl 5k
International Day of the Girl is coming up on October 13th! Don’t forget to sign up to participate in the 5k or help volunteer!
Active Minds Club
Active Minds is a Mental Health Awareness Club. We are new this year. Our club's mission is to remove the stigma surrounding mental health and the corresponding conversations. We meet on Day 10 in Ms. Woodring's room. Come for interesting discussions and fun collabs with other clubs!
JV Field Hockey
JV field hockey had their first county game on Thursday against Cranford and tied 1-1. They have to play overtime today at 4:00pm at home, so please come out and cheer them on!!
Lit Loose & BCA
Lit Loose partnered with BCA for our first book of the year, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. We will be meeting to discuss it during lunch on Friday, October 12th. Everyone is welcome!
Starboard has a new segment called Dog of the Week! You can submit your dog or any dog you'd like to be Dog of the Week by clicking on the survey on the DOTW page.
Hey guys! For the second year in a row, KPS will be having a Cabaret! It will be on October 26 and will feature KP Singers, Chamber Singers, Chorale, and some solo performances as well! There will be drinks and dessert. It is $10 for students and $50 for adults. Proceeds will go towards the KP Music Department. More information will be sent out soon! Thanks!
PubEx (Public Expressions) is essentially a forensics/public speaking club where you get to work on your public speaking skills and get over your fear of public speaking. Our first PubEx meeting of the year will be tomorrow in Ms. Cohen's room (237) during club break! There will be candy!!!
Volleyball is 8-0!! Both Varsity and JV won their games against Rahway on Tuesday. Our pink-out game against Roselle Catholic is today. It is Home at 4:30, so please come out and support!