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1/31/22 Announcements

B Week

Mrs. Murphy’s Weekly Updates: Here

Mrs. Murphy

Everyone can eat in the dining hall but you can only have a maximum of 8 people per table. If you are uncomfortable eating in the dining hall there are a couple classrooms available on the first floor. Also, please only take two pieces of dessert (e.g. two cookies) so that there is enough for everyone.

Dr. Barovero

(1) When taking tests in the library Mr. Walz will give you a table marker so that others know you are testing and not disturb you, (2) a reminder that Wednesday is a "no homework, tests, quizzes, projects" day because of Lunar New Year.

Ethics Bowl

Ethics Bowl won the regional championship this past Saturday! We had a long day competing, starting at 8am and finishing around 7pm. We are now going to advance to the Nationals at UNC Chapel Hill in April.

Social Committee

9th/10th grade dance is this Saturday! All 9th and 10th graders should go and are welcome to bring a guest.

UNICEF community service shoot off

Our first meeting is during committees on Friday. Please come if you are at all interested (even if you may not attend any other meetings) because we need to register everyone.

Black History Month

Various announcements will be made throughout Black History Month + this week is the Junior’s turn to contribute to the mural!

Athletics Association

NGWSD is Wednesday and there is a mandatory Dodgeball Tournament on Thursday at 2:30pm! If you participate in the game you will get an hour of PE.

Eirian Huang

Lunar New Year is tomorrow (today is the eve) look out for Eirian's email for more info. It is the year of the Tiger!

Varsity Lacrosse

Lifting and wall ball days start next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays!! Though lacrosse season doesn’t start for a little while, we strongly recommend you come to these so we can start bonding and getting ready for Spring. There will be bagels and smoothies for anyone who comes.

Community Service

The Chocolate Hearts Sale starts today! If you don't know what the chocolate hearts sale is, it is an annual community service event that raises money for an organization of our choosing and you all have the opportunity to buy chocolates for your friends (or even just for yourself). Look out for my email after morning meeting to order!! The organization we chose is the Sylvia Rivera law project is a legal aid organization based in NYC that works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence. They mainly assist low-income or people of color who are transgender, intersex and/or gender nonconforming.

Maya Lalani

We have an upcoming back sale for Child Life, an organization of Child Life Specialists who aim to make children’s hospital stays as safe and stress-free as possible. Look out for an email with details on how to help!


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