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1/20/23 Announcements

Ms. Murphy’s Weekly Announcements: here

Ms. Murphy

We need to do a better job of keeping the bathrooms clean. Please be sure to pick up after yourself and only flush toilet paper down the toilet. Secondly, a reminder that you can’t sign out for the day on the ipads- you must sign out at the front desk or at my office. Also, there is no food delivery to Kent Place allowed! The only time you should be ordering food is during advisory lunch, once a trimester.


Get ready for Kent Place’s own “Night At The Apollo” on February 15! We will be having a Black History Month celebration and welcome all talent to sign up to perform.


Project Prism is next Friday, January 27th from 6 to 8:30pm. Watch out for an email containing the link to RSVP, or scan the QR codes around the school. Feel free to invite your friends from other schools! Volunteers, please also watch your emails this weekend for more information.

US Counselors

On Monday, 1/23, you will all be filling out the Authentic Connections survey during the 2:30 block in advisory. We want you to know that all your responses will be kept anonymous!

Coach Jesse

On Monday, 1/30, we will be holding an info session for the flag football league! Join us at 10:30 am in the Great Room to learn more.


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