SIS Notes 2022: Individuals
The following notes were written to individual seniors and are organized alphabetically by last name. Please see the SIS Notes 2022 Home Page for links to group notes and the photo gallery.
Isabella Abbate
Dvita Bhattacharya: Congratulations on graduating! Good luck at BC - we know you'll do great things!
Cassie Miller: Hi Bella!! it's been so fun getting to know you these past few years and I had such a fun time with you at Stone Harbor (those brunches really slayed). I hope you have an amazing time at BC!!
Veronica Melendi: Thank you for being an amazing Baggywrinkle leader this year and an awesome person to talk to during PE! Best of luck next year at BC, I'm sure you will do amazing!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great Windward leader this year! I really loved attending Windward meetings and wanted to thank you for making the environment really welcoming and calm. Good luck at college and in the future!
Ms. Cohen: Isabella, you rock. Thank you for all the ways you've contributed to this community, and especially the Archives! Please come back and talk to me about all the Great Books you've explored.
Maya Yie: Hi Isabella, congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Boston College next year!
Ms. Farshety: Isabella, you have been an island of calm and consistency over the past four years, even while managing to keep coming up with different and unexpected things. Who else would teach themselves to read Japanese during lockdown?! It’s been a delight being your advisor the past four years!
Ariel Alleyne
Ms. Cohen: I have loved seeing your amazing cartoon style-- whether it's the Cyclops and his sheep or a scene from a video game of Beowulf. I hope that whatever you do you keep drawing and bring all of those around you joy and fun.
Ava Shannon: Hi Ariel! Thanks for being such a great senior sister sister and giving me lots of helpful advice. I loved hearing your stories about some of the funny things that happened during your time at the upper school. Wishing you the best of luck at college!!
Hannah Asirvatham
Annabelle O'Brien: Thank you for being such an amazing tennis captain this year! It was such a fun season and we will miss you next year!
Phoebe Kanellakos: Congratulations on your graduation Hannah! So happy that you were my senior sister this year, and I wish you all the best. I hope that you have an amazing time at college!
Ava Guarino: Congratulations on your graduation Hannah! So happy that you were my senior sister this year, and I wish you all the best. I hope that you have an amazing time at college!
Diana Reig: Thank you for leading our tennis team this fall! Every practice was enjoyable and our team always supported each other. At matches, everyone had great teamwork and you helped us all grow as teammates through fun tennis games and bonding activities. Thank you so much for leading us and I hope you have a great experience starting college in the fall!
Ms. Cohen: You may be the person I pass most in the halls. That, or you're just so willing to say "Hi!" and briefly connect, that it feels that way. Thank you for being an important member of your class and for all of those hallway encounters.
Claire Bugliari
Lila Gorke: Hi Claire! I really hope you had a great senior year. Thank you so much for being such a great senior sister to me and for helping me throughout my first year at kps! Good luck next year at BC!
Lilly Eccles: I'll miss you Claire!! Thank you for everything you've done for lacrosse, we love you!!
Ms. Cohen: I am going to miss your smile, your eagerness to try something new out, and the intense intellectual spirit you brought to "Identity & Graphic Novels."
Gretchen Cadranell
Aila Kennedy: Dear Gretchen, thank you so much for being a friendly face in the halls these past couple of months! I wish you all the best in college and strongly believe that you will kill it. Washington and Lee doesn't know whats coming to them. Come back and visit - Aila
Ms. Cohen: Gretchen, We will always be connected through our love of ornamentation, all sorts of neat old things, and the joy of taking things out of picture frames. I will miss your strong, confident spirit, but I know that your next community will benefit from all of your knowledge and creativity.
Rhyan Brown: Gretchen, thank you for being an amazing friend these past two years. Seeing you in the hallway everyday always brings a smile to my face. I wish you the best in college and I will miss you so much! 💛
Gabrielle Liberman: Gretchen, You were one of the first upperclassmen who really made me feel welcome here at Kent Place when we met on the volleyball team in freshman year. When we first met, you immediately introduced yourself with a smile and made me feel at ease. I had no idea what it would be like coming into this new sport I had never really played, but you made it so much fun. Your power on the court was awesome to watch and your team spirit was always present. This year, it's been a little different for us. You went up to varsity volleyball (and killed it by the way!) and we started just seeing each other around the school. Every time you said "hi" to me in the hallway, it brightened my day. People might say it doesn't really matter but I think the mark of a good person is when they say hello just to make someone feel welcome. Both years I've been here, even in small ways, you've made me feel welcome and have always been kind and approachable. I hope you have an amazing college experience! Thank you for being you.
Ms. Farshety: Gretchen, no matter how great a storm was raging around you, you came into each advisory with a warm smile and a can-do attitude. Even a tree falling on your home couldn’t break your stride. It’s been a delight being your advisor and teacher the past four years!
Francesca Callejas
Maya Yie: Hi Francesca, I loved being in Mock Trial and Comp Sci with you this year and it was so kind of you to dance with me at Semi! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Barnard next year!
Seema Parmar: Hey Francesca! I walked into the first day of compsci with a bit of trepidation - I knew only a couple people in the class and I was nervous sitting across from a senior I had never properly met. I quickly realized that you were not, in fact, the scary, silently thinking “wow, this girl has NO idea what she is doing” senior I was imagining (although I realize you could totally be thinking this, I wouldn’t know). Over the next few months you listened to my repetitive problems, was patient during countless class warm-ups, and never failed to wave at me in the hallways. I am so grateful to all of your help this year, and I am not overstating here how much I enjoyed getting to know you this year. I realized that we are indeed very similar, but that doesn’t stop you from adding an interesting perspective to many discussions (ranging from writing styles to serotonin). You bring positive energy to every interaction, and I am both continually in awe of this passion and strive to have the same energy towards others. So I just wanted to say thank you for this year (and I’m writing this on 5/12, so its certainly not goodbye yet) - your enthusiasm, hard work (yes), sheer intelligence, and leadership inspire me every day (or more honestly, every time my code doesn’t compile). It has been so nice having someone that understands the way I think (and in many cases similar situations too) and you can expect to be a tour guide next year. - Your (diagonal) compsci table-mate (seating changes can't keep us apart)
Miranda Santiago: Hi Cesca! Thank you so much for everything this year; I’m so grateful for all of your guidance and kindness. Thank you for showing me around the school, and thank you for being someone I can always count on. I’m going to miss you so much, but I hope you enjoy your time in college!!💙💙💙 Love you! Miranda
Jasmine Algarin: Hi Francesca!!! I'm so proud of you and I'm going to miss you so much. You're so amazing and you've been so nice to me and just everyone. <3 Swim was so fun with you! I'm going to continue to bother you so you better look forward to it
Ms. Cohen: Thank you for all of the passion you've brought to your DEIB work, for a really interesting psychoanalytic approach to 'Frankenstein', and for all of your other thoughtful, sincere work. Congratulations on an amazing Upper School career!
Meagan Canfield
Madison Stevens: Hi Meagan! Thank you for being an amazing senior sister for my first year at KP. You made my freshman year a success from the start. Your personality makes you so fun to be around as you are kindest person. Thank you for everything and good luck at Bucknell as I know you are going to do great things!
Ms. Cohen: Remember when we went to the NY Botanical Garden? I have such a fond image of sitting quietly watching Yayoi Kusama's mirrored balls clink and shift in the little pond. Congratulations on graduation; you're awesome :)
Abby Casamassina
Sophia Gandhi: Thank you for being a great GSA leader, I really enjoyed going to GSA this year. Good luck at UMiami and congratulations!
Jushua Zheng: Hey Recycling -- I can't believe you're graduating. I still remember when we were in Algebra together and you were the only 8th grader that would talk to me lmao. Now you're going to be a college student and marine biologist (really cool). Anyways, I'll miss you a lot and I wish you good luck on your next step. - Josh
Scarlette Liftin: Thank you for being a great Senior Sister, Abby! Good luck next year in college!
Ms. Cohen: Abby! You don't know how much I will miss our talks. From clarinet to the renovation on your house to sea slugs and Sebastian the Ibis, I have learned so much from you. And your Morning Meeting announcement diligence will be hard to replicate. Whenever you're in Biscayne Bay or out on a boat off Miami Beach or even the Seaquarium, remember me! I was there once too :)
Nia Gitau: Hey Abby! Thanks so much for showing me the ropes in Starboard and having so much patience with me. I had a lot of fun working with you to post Morning Meeting announcements. Have fun at UMiami! Starboard will miss you :)
Emma Chan
Isabella Deng: Greetings Emma :DD You're a really funny person and it was really fun talking to you this year! Thanks for letting me use your locker as a primary food source (dw I didn't take any milanos...yet 💪 ) Thanks for all the helpful advice you gave and tolerating how much I annoyed you (headpatting strikes again..) You'll do great in Harvard and I hope you have fun!
Joshua Zheng: Hey Emma -- I can't believe you're going to graduate...that's just weird to think about. Thanks for being there for college and academic questions, just sending me random cat videos, and being a good friend in general. I couldn't have survived french without you lmao. Anyways, I wish you good luck on your next step and I hope you can adopt a cat :D -- Josh
Maya Yie: Thank you for being an amazing Ballast EIC! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Harvard!
Helen (Ruo Han) Wu: It was so nice to get to know you this year!! Congrats on college and graduating this year, and have so much fun next year!
Jasmine Algarin: EMMAAAAAAA I'm so happy and proud of you, you always slay. I'm going to miss you so much, you have no idea. Always remember me when you're famous <//3 Again, I'm going to miss you a ton, so you legally have to visit ! ilysm (try to) have fun in college <3
Ms Cohen: An important poetic quotation for you: it seems they were all cheated of some marvelous experience which is not going to go wasted on me which is why I’m telling you about it
Leah Cohn
Veronica Melendi: Leah!! I had so much fun acting in plays and in Perf Co with you. You are an amazing writer and actor! Best of luck next year at Syracuse, I know you will do amazing!
Zoë Espiritu: Hey Leah! You have been an inspiring senior sister and have helped me out a lot. It was really fun watching you act in Silent Sky! I wish the best for you at Syracuse University!
Alice Carr: Leah, being in silent sky with you was such an incredible time. You are an amazing actress and a perfect lead for the play. I wish you all the luck at Syracuse University!
Maya Yie: Thank you for being an amazing Ballast EIC this year! Thank you for always being willing to help, replying to my emails, and working with me on all those layout issues! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Syracuse!
Sekai Marques: hi leah :D im so glad to have met you these past three years. i honestly think that you're really cool, funny and an a m a z i n g actor (legit how are you so good at this leave some talent for the rest of us-). you're basically just good at everything, and i think you're probably one of the first upperclassmen i really connected with. perfco won't be the same without the rest of you and the seniors, but i know that wherever you're going that you're gonna absolutely kill it.
Lilly Fanelle: I am so happy that we got to do so many shows together! You so incredibly talented and I really appreciate all of the times you have given me advice. You are so, so sweet, and you seriously give the best hugs! I am going to miss getting to perform with you and chatting with you too next year!
Ms. Cohen: Your performances in plays, musicals, PerfCo, and even the teasers in Morning Meeting have brought me such delight, drama, and amazement. Thank you for your acting, singing, and hilarious timing.
Addison Ismael: Thanks for being such a great peer ed leader and sharing all of your stories with us! Have so much fun in college I will miss you!!
Katie Coyne
Ms. Farshtey: Katie, actions always speak louder than words, and your actions speak of your amazing depth of warmth and kindness. You encourage and support everyone around you. It’s been a delight being your advisor the past four years!
Ms. Cohen: Katie, I can always count on you to smile and say "Hello!" You will also forever be a member of the original English 9, block G, aka GRINGLISH!
Adaora Dadson
Corryne Watkins: Hello, I just wanted to say what a great senior sister you have been and how much I appreciate your efforts to make this year as comfortable fo me as possible despite me being completely new to the school. I know that you will go off and do amazing things and I am excited to see what you will achieve as an adult. Thank you.
Ms. Cohen: You have made every year fun, funny, and so spirited. This is a clip from when we "Netflix Party" watched the Princess and the Frog in the spring of 2020. So glad you were in that chat to lift our spirits and tell us which songs "slapped." :{P
Nana Yaa Oduro-Manu: Adaora!! You were a very good prez and I hope you have a great fall at WashU. Go make Ghana proud!! 🇬🇭🇬🇭
Nia Gitau: Adaora!! I'll always remember you as being one of the first faces I saw when coming to KPS. From being an amazing GLI counselor to a fabulous BCA leader (thank you so much for forcing me to come, it ended up being my favorite club), you bring such great energy and joy to everything that you do. I'll never forget your welcoming nature and awesome sense of humor. Go slay at WashU!
Gabriella DePlasco
Veronica Melendi: Gabriella!! Thank you for being a great role model for the past three years. You are such an amazing actor and writer and I loved performing in plays and being in Perf Co with you! Best of luck next year at Skidmore, I know you will do great!
Ms. Cohen: I've learned about so many great books from your Lit Loose leadership! And I always respect knitters, crafters, and good friends. Congratulations :)
Sekai Marques: hi gabriella :D, im gonna be honest when i first met you in my freshman year i was very scared of you. not in a bad way ofc, but i always thought you had a very intense no-nonsense personality. however, the more i got to know you i learned that on top of sometimes being our sole advocate against ms. walden, you're also just an amazing person/actor in general. honestly i think you and the other current seniors are some of the first upperclassmen i really connected with. perfco isn't going to be the same without you guys, but wherever you're headed you are going to kill it :)
Lilly Fanelle: Hi Gabriella, I am so happy that we did so many shows together. From helping me not get tangled in my Silvius costume to joking about Mr. Glossman-isms and other funny Far Brook moments, I will miss performing with you! Good luck at Skidmore!
Emma Claire Quinn: Lacrosse has been so fun the past two years with you! Have fun in college next year!
Alana DeVirgilio
Chelsea Cui: Thanks for being an amazing peer ed leader! I loved being in peer ed with you, Cadence, and Allison. It made the days when we had peer ed a little better. I hope you had a wonderful last year of high school!
Ms. Cohen: Keep skating, arting, thinking, and being a great member of the Class of 2022. You rock :D
Angela Hong: Dear Alana, I can’t believe you are graduating already! I still remember skating with you a few years ago, and now, you are going off to college!! Thank you for being the best senior sister! I am so grateful that you were my senior sister and I hope you have made many memorable experiences and friendships during high school! I hope you will make new memories and enjoy your exciting journey through college! I am going to miss seeing you in the hallways and seeing the bright smile you always have on your face! Good luck in college and I hope we can continue to stay in touch! Hopefully, we can go skating sometime together!! Sincerely, Angela Hong
Ms. Farshtey: Alana, you consistently amaze me with the depth of your thoughtfulness and kindness towards others. I have no idea how you manage to be so warm and friendly when you have to get up so early in the morning to go skating. It’s been a delight being your advisor the past four years!
Julie Fischer
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being an awesome member of the squash team this year! You really helped make the team welcoming to new players (including me), and your jokes and advice always made practices and games a lot of fun. We will miss you next year!
Maya Yie: Hi Julie, I loved being in your math class this year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck in college next year!
Lilly Fanelle: Bonjour Julie, it was fun to be in Chamber Singers and sing Soprano 2 together. I also loved being in French Club, as well as having math together! Bonne chance à l’université!
Ms. Cohen: I recently saw an amazing plate you put together for French Club, and I knew right away it was you. Thank you for investigating Dante with me, for being so kind and caring to all you meet, and for sharing a little piece of your English journey with me this year. Bonne chance!
Sekai Marques: hi julie :D, we didn't get to spend too much time together but i just wanted to say thank you for being such an awesome treblemakers president. from my whole text message/group me fiasco to scheduling last minute rehearsals, you and kathryn were always on top of things and made sure we sounded amazing while doing it. good luck to wherever you are going and thanks for making this past year a good one :)
Ella Gehrmann
Grace Thatch: Congratulations on Wake! You're going to have so much fun in college, I hope you love it!!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great captain for the squash team! Your organization helped make the practices and games really fun. Thank you also for welcoming me to the team as a new member this year. We will miss you next year! Good luck at college!
Ms. Cohen: Ella, you bring passion and dedication to your studies, and I still remember how fun it was to learn how you think and write working together in English 9.
Iman Handy
Abby Werbel: Hi Iman! I would like to start off with you are absolutely insane at volleyball. Not only did you get hundreds of kills but you made a boss team captain. You are also one of the friendliest people that I have ever met. You always make sure that us freshman on volleyball are okay and never fail to put a smile on my face. Im so sad that I only got one year with you but I know that you will slay at Harvard!
Rhyan Brown: Iman, thank you for being a wonderful friend and role model. Having you as a volleyball captain this year was so much fun and you have taught me so much. I wish you good luck in college and I will miss you so much! 💕
Alyma Karbownik: IMANNN!! I'm so happy for everything that you've done and accomplished and I know for a fact that you will do great things in your future. It's going to be sad not seeing you at school in the hallways or at practice, but I know you're moving on to bigger and better things that you very much deserve. I really appreciate everything you've done for me and the conversations we've had. I won't forget what you have done to the team and to me as a person. Good luck in college and beyond that and I'm excited for you!!!!❤️
Ms. Cohen: What a great Class President! It was such a joy to work with you as a leader and a student. You rock :D
Tanseem Arampulikan: Dear Iman,
Thank you so much for being an amazing senior sister and I’m so proud of you. You have been such an inspiration to me with your confidence, volleyball skills, and social skills. You welcomed me into the upper school with candy and other treats after practice and we went to 16 handles in Livingston downtown. Not only that, but SDLC and the committee was so fun with you. You were confident and brave in taking risks and I applaud you for that and I inspire to be like you one day. You have been such an inspiration and you’re definitely someone I look up too, congrats on Harvard!!! You’re gonna slay
Sherry Harney
Arabella Hubbauer: Thank you for being a part of Arts Committee this year! You have such great ideas! Keep being creative :)
Ms. Cohen: Sheridan, we have seen some of the best art together. Here's to you riot grrrl! You will rock wherever you go, and I hope you come back sometimes to rock out with us on break or during reunions.
Logan Corrales: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Thank you for being the best senior friend I could ever have had. I'm gonna miss you so much :ccc please come by and visit. Honestly you could show up to my house and I'd let you in. I love you, don't forget to call!! - Logan
Cypress Zeiner-Morrish: Hi Sherry! I'm so glad to have had you as my senior sibling this year. It was really great having a senior sibling I could relate to. Thank you for the hot chocolates and deciding for me when I got scared!
Ellie Hegeman
Chelsea Cui: Thanks for being a great assistant captain for the ice hockey team this year! You were really funny and made all of the boring practices better. Also, you're role in Silent Sky really made me laugh. Good luck in college!
Abby Werbel: Hi Ellie! Thank you for making this year such an easy transition for me as a Freshman. Not to mention you are so funny especially during your performance at Perf Co. Thank you for being so kind and approachable and I know you will do great things in the future!
Veronica Melendi: Ellie!! Thanks for being an amazing role model in Perf Co (and in Radium Girls... I know that was a while back.) You are such a fun person to perform with and it was great that we were able to do all those scenes together in Perf Co this year! Best of luck next year at Northeastern, I know you will do amazing!
Alice Carr: Ellie, doing silent sky with you was so much fun, you are an incredible actor and such a fun person. You are going to do so well at north eastern, I wish you the best of luck!
Ms. Cohen: Ellie, great Presidenting. Thank you for letting me learn from you, have fun with your class, and for Always Being on Time.
Scarlett Gibby: Hey Ellie! Thanks for being a great co-captain, teammate, and friend and having my back on and off the ice. I'm so proud of you for everything you've accomplished this year. I will miss you so much next year! Best of luck at Northeastern!! -Gibby
Lilly Fanelle: I am going to miss you so much next year! I'm so glad that we got to do so many shows together! The Peter-Williamina friendship/rivalry is a KP Theatre memory I will never forget (especially when I got to yell and make fun of you onstage!). You are truly such a sweet and funny person and you also give great advice! Good luck at Northeastern!
Sekai Marques: hi ellie :D im so glad to have been a part of kp theater/perfco with you these past three years. you are probably one of the most hilarious people ive ever met, and i really enjoyed all of our backstage conversations during silent sky and being in perfco with you has been a blast. i had a lot of fun writing the botched proposal piece with you and i think it went really well :D. tbh you and the rest of the theater seniors are probably one of the first upperclassmen i really connected with in kp theater, and im really going to miss you guys. thanks for an awesome 3 years :)
Eirian Huang
Chelasea Cui: Thank you for being such an amazing senior sibling this year! You really helped me out in the beginning of the year. I hope you have a wonderful summer after graduation!
Maya Yie: Hi Eirain, thank you for being an amazing stand partner in Orchestra and an amazing Senate President! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Cornell!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great Senate president, Model UN leader, and APICA leader this year! Coming into high school, these clubs and committees really helped me find a welcoming community, so I wanted to thank you for organizing them. Good luck in the future!
Emaan Jan
Sophie Capone: Good luck in college Emaan! Thanks for being the best doubles partner ever!!
Ms. Elizabeth Farshtey: Emaan, you have an incredibly joyous presence and you fill the advisory with light. I have loved “meeting” Fluffy and seeing pictures of your baby cousin (who is actually getting kind of old now!). It’s been a delight being your advisor the past four years!
Ms. Cohen: I love when we exchange Hello's and smiles; you have been shining since I first met you in English 9.
Grace Jones
Nana Yaa Oduro-Manu: Grace!! I’ll miss you when you’re gone but I hope you have a great fall semester. From our talks whenever we saw one another, to you being a great VP and bringing me food. See you at convocation!
Kyrae Brock: Congratulations!!!!! I can imagine that this year has been difficult, but you did it! Even though we didn't get to hangout much this year, I hope that we will be able to in the future. Thank you for being a great senior sister and helping me feel comfortable and welcome at this school. I wish you luck at college!
Ms. Lisa Cohen: Ms Grace Jones (and I say your full name from love and respect... not the other meaning, hee): I will never forget the insight, strength, and power you bring to the study of literature. From your summer reading of JD Salinger in 9th grade to Tracy K. Smith in 12th, your perspective has always enlightened and delighted.
Crystal Jong
Isabella Deng: Where to begin? Attending that random December P.E class and meeting you was a good decision I made. Thanks for all the free food, fun times, and memories of beating you in every single video game possible (please stop sucking in valorant) ! :DD I'm going to miss those headpats (ouch), continuously annoying you, stealing your sandwich, and you just not being in this school for the rest of my three Kent Place years, but you'll do greeaatt in RPI! (Ms Lee would not be proud of my probably-run-on-sentence) This sounds a lot different from my usual messages and it might sound cheesy but I do appreciate you a lot, and hope we can meet again in person one day :D!
Joshua Zheng: Yo Crystal -- I refuse to believe that you'll be graduating in a month. I can still remember when we were in middle school and you kept getting detentions for wearing that one hat. I'm glad that we could stay friends and I want you to remember that we will always be, no matter where you end up going. If you get exiled to Siberia, I'll find some way to send you a letter demanding why you got yourself exiled. I'll always be here for you. You better come visit or I'll make a surprise visit to RPI -- Josh
Logan Corrales: CRYSTTALLLL!! FENCING QUEEN!! Your memes were beautiful and I hope to continue your legacy through the next two years. I'm gonna miss you next year!! Please come back and visit your fencing team <3. I can't believe I have to do puzzles alone next year but maybe one day you can do one with me :) Have a wonderful time in college!! - Logan
Maya Yie: Hi Crystal, I loved being in your math class last year and your dedication in solving that cube/block puzzle was impressive (there’s a photo attached)! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute next year!
Helen (Ruo Han) Wu: Thanks for being my Senior Sister, and congratulations on graduating!!
Sophia Chimenti: It's been really nice having ap compsci and ap physics with you these past years :) best of luck at college!!!
Ms. Lisa Cohen: Keep your archiving gloves! The KPS Archive would love to have you back any day, and I thank you for your dedicated and brilliant service.
Anyra Kapoor
Sonia Gulati: Thanks for all you did for me this year, I had a great time getting to know you. Good luck at Georgetown! :)
Kathryn Cepeda: Thank you for being the best swim captain this past Winter!! I will never forget all of our laughs and I wish you the best in college!!
Sahana Kapoor: Happy grad sis I love you queen u are gonna slay at Georgetown and hopefully leave some clothes behind for me to keep thanks bae
Miranda Wang: Thanks for being a great ethics bowl team leader this year! When I was a new member on the team, you taught me a lot about ethics and how to think about issues from different perspectives. From beating Pingry at regionals this year to going to nationals in person, your leadership was really inspiring and you have helped us so much. We will miss you next year! Good luck in the future!
Elizabeth Farshtey: Anyra, you approach each moment in life with remarkable calm and dignity. I don’t think we ever finished a conference on-time, because discussions with you were always so interesting that I kept wanting to hear more of your thoughts. It’s been a delight being your advisor and teacher the past four years!
Ms. Cohen: Anyra, in the one year I've served on Senate when you were in 9th grade, I thought, "Wow, I wish she was actually one of my senators" (not implying I'm not fond of Cory Booker). I always vote, and if your name ever appears on a ballot, count on me.
Neera Kapoor
Ms. Cohen: To an excellent hoopster, scientist, writer ... and for all the ways you humbly accepted Most Lost Things... Sometimes Late... but Most Cool. Happy 2022 :)
Caroline Hand: Congrats Neera! I am so happy and excited for you! I hope you have so much fun in college. Have fun at Cornell! :) - Caroline
Quinn Walters: Congrats on graduating Engineera!!!! Bball was so much fun with you and her personality always added to a tough day!
Kelsey Katt
Anabel Wheatly: Thank you so much for welcoming me into the upper school! I hope you have a great time at college!
Lizzy Washburn: Kelsey!!!! I'm gonna miss you so much next year!!! NJ swim forever:)))) Good luck in college!!
Ms. Cohen: You are one of the rare students I have had the pleasure of teaching for 6 trimesters. Your fondness for history, for making literary and cultural connections, the quiet strength you bring to swimming and academics have impressed me each of those trimesters. Maybe you'll take that Paterson class in college and continue on your local lit journey :) (but no pressure, there's many good classes to take!).
Nikki Kintiroglou
Abby Werbel: Hey Nikki! Thanks for always being a boss senior. You are so nice and fun to be around! Your advice for me and Tina is always so helpful. I’m so sad that you are going to be leaving this year but I know you will slay at Tufts! :)
Tina Kintiroglou: Hi Nicole. I hope you had an amazing senior year. Thanks for spilling tea and listening to all of my rants. Go Jumbos🐘. Thanks for driving me everywhere and letting me be in your BeReal. You're pretty cool and I think I'll visit you when you're in college. You should let me sleep over in your dorm. Can't wait for you to drive me even more in the summer!!! You should get me an invite to your little vacay so I don't have to play tennis. This is a bit awkward because you just walked into my room while I am writing this but you don't know. My computer's gonna die soon so I should probably wrap this up. I am gonna miss the morning rants. Have a great summer #HAGS. Have a nice day. xoxo, your favorite sister;)
Nedd Kirsch
Sophia Gandhi: Hi Nedd!! Congratulations on UVA, you're going to do amazing things! Thanks for being a great senior sister :))
Maya Yie: Hi Nedd, you’ve always been so kind and friendly and I loved being in math class with you last year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck in college next year!
Ms. Cohen: Don't dress your cat in an apron Just 'cause he's learning to bake. Don't put your horse in a nightgown Just 'cause he can't stay awake. Don't dress your snake in a muu-muu Just 'cause he's off on a cruise. Don't dress your whale in galoshes If she really prefers overshoes. A person should wear what he wants to And not just what other folks say. A person should do what he likes to - A person's a person that way.
Addison Ismael: Thanks for being an amazing peer ed leader and sharing all of your stories with us! You were so welcoming to me in the beginning of the school year at soccer and I really appreciate your kindness. Have so much fun in college!
Sophie Levin
Cassie Miller: Hi Sophie!! I've really enjoyed working with you at Aprendalo this year, and you've been such an awesome first aid club leader and overall friend! I will miss you next year and hope you have an awesome time at UPenn!!
Sneha Shirhattikar: Hey bestie!!! Thank you so much for being such a great friend. I am going to miss you so much next year. I can't believe we have only known you for 2 year and you are leaving. I am going to miss our late study sessions and long car phone calls. I am so proud of you and good luck at Penn next year being a NERD!!
Maya Yie: Hi Sophie, I loved being in your math class this year! I also loved your duet at the Evening of Dance! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at UPenn!
Valentina Martin-Aloe: Thank you for being such a great senior sister and congratulations on upenn!! I hope you have an amazing summer and the best college experience for you.
Ms Lisa Cohen: "Dance is the movement of the universe concentrated in an individual" ~ Isadora Duncan
Selena Liu
Ms. Cohen: Selena, thank you for being an amazing Archivist. And a great friend, classmate, and community member to 2022. Good luck in your next adventures!
Maya Yie: Hi Selena, I loved being in Computer Science with you this year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Cornell!
Miranda Lorsbach
Bridget Smallman: Congrats!! I have loved getting to know you and wish you the absolute best in college! :)
Maya Yie: Hi Miranda, thank you for being an amazing Math Club leader and I loved being in Track with you this year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Yale!
Lilly Fanelle: Hey Miranda, thank you for being an excellent Math Club president and an excellent person to sit next to in Chamber Singers! You are so encouraging and I will miss getting to chat with you!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being an amazing ethics bowl team captain!! From preparing so many cases to going to nationals in person this year, I am really honored to have been on the team with you! Thank you for always bringing perseverance, wisdom, and joy to the team. We will miss you next year! Good luck in the future!
Olivia Hand: Congrats Miranda! You are such a kind, thoughtful, and fun spirited person and role model to me. Yale is so lucky to have you. You have made a huge impact on the KPS community as a whole and will be greatly missed in the years to come. I wish you the best on your next journey!
Ms. Cohen: Admired Miranda! Indeed the top of admiration! worth What's dearest to the world!
Kate Lowry
Sophie Capone: Thanks for being so welcoming at the start of the year! Good luck in college!
Maya Yie: Hi Kate, thank you for being an amazing Community Service President! You’re always so friendly and welcoming! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck in college next year!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great community service president this year! The community service committee was always a really welcoming community for me, and I wanted to thank you for doing so much work to make the committee meetings really fun and productive. Good luck in the future!
Mary Carter: Kate thank you so much for the guidance you have given me this year! During community service I learned so much from you and also had a lot of fun! A highlight of this year was definitely running around running around and tracking down all of the chocolate heart money (which was not hard at all). I wish you all the best next year!! - Mary
Ms. Cohen: Sailing, writing, community serving, you bring your determination and strength to all that you do, Kate. Rock on!
Janet Luo
Ms Cohen: One day we'll all be sipping Jan on the Go coffee. Or some other great product that you'll sell us. Or it may just be a great story to tell when I see you at your reunion. Thanks for being awesome in a lot of ways, Janet.
Piper Walsh: CONGRATS JAN!!!!y You are so amazing! Have a great time at Cornell!!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a really great friend this year! From physics labs to playing flute in orchestra, I wanted to thank you for always being really positive, kind, and caring. Not knowing many people in our class at the beginning of the year, I was really shy and quiet, but you were really welcoming and friendly and that helped a lot! Thank you for always being happy to give great advice. You are so smart and you always bring a lot of joy to your community. I will miss you next year! Good luck in the future, and remember to stay in touch!
Nia Gitau: Thanks for being the coolest Peer Ed leader ever and not judging me when I showed you my spotify. It was so nice seeing you in the halls throughout the year! Congrats on Cornell, I'm so happy for you :D
Addison Ismael: Thanks for being such a great peer ed leader!! Have fun in college!
Grace Martin
Clara Schreibman: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Literally cannot imagine chamber or NJYC without you. Thanks for being bae. I need to visit you and Alison in VA. Live it up but remember ur roots :)) IM GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH
Piper Mayes: Thank you so much for all of the fun car rides home during field hockey season! They were so much fun and I appreciated all of the helpful senior insights!
Emily Martin: Thank you for being the best sister ever!!! Good luck next year at UVA you are going to do great!! I am going to miss you so much!!
Blair Miller: Hey Grace, thank you so much for guiding me through the beginning of highschool. You have been so nice and thoughtful. Good luck next year!! Kent Place will miss you!
Ms. Cohen: What a great Morning Meeting announcer! Also, this is a strange thing I think will surprise you: your name was once part of my many passwords on my computer during COVID. I don't know why, but the Whitney Biennial, Grace Martin, and Gingermints from Trader Joes all found themselves together one day and became part of how I logged in to Zoom and email and everything else. I hope it's an honor and not too much pressure (I mean, the Whitney Biennial was really carrying a lot of the security weight, I think).
Lilly Fanelle: Hi Grace, I have loved getting to sing with you for so many years in Chamber Singers and NJYC. You are so talented! I wish you the best of luck at UVA!
Charlotte McCann
Olivia Hand: Congrats on official graduating highschool! KPS will miss you lots in the years to come. Thank you for being such a kind, helpful, and positive senior sister! I hope you enjoy your next path.
Ms. Cohen: you, the earth... ... is a black shambling bear ruffling its wild back and tossing mountains into the sea :D
Kelsa McKern
Joshua Zheng: Hello Seraph :)) I can't believe you're going to graduate so soon. I'm glad that we got put into the same Algebra class that year, because otherwise I would've never gotten to get to know you. Unfortunately Covid messed up some things and we didn't get to hang out as much, but I hope that we can stay in touch and chat about unnecessary romance scenes in movies and cats. I wish you good luck on your next step and I know you'll do great at Hamilton :D -- Josh
Colette Gentile: Congratulations on senior year, Kelsa! You have been such a great Senior Sibling to me. Your help made transitioning into freshman year as a new student so much easier, and it was really nice knowing that I had someone to turn to if I had any questions at all. Good luck in college and beyond! We'll miss you!
Ms Lisa Cohen: Here's to all of us who love people, love art, and also need a spot of quiet every now and then.
Logan Corrales: Seraph!! dude, you're incredible. Have a wonderful time in college I'll miss you so much :ccc. Who am I gonna puzzle with next year??? Who's art class am I meant to crash next year??? Huh??? Come back and visit some time! - Logan
Jocelyn Ameo: Hey Kelsa!!!! It was super cool to hang out this year! Your art was amazing to see in the gallery and you were always a friendly face in the halls! Good luck with college, you got this!!!
Ayana McMillan
Addison Ismael: Thank you for welcoming me into the school! I'm so grateful to have had a senior sister like you. Kent Place was so lucky to have you and you are going to do even more amazing things in Brown.
Ms Lisa Cohen: I'm so lucky I got to work with you in Local Lit this year. And the photo is just one of the many moments you brought joy and friendship to our community. Congratulations!
Arden Meyer
Lilly Eccles: I'll miss you Ardy Pardy!!
Alex Grinis: Hi Arden! Thank you so much for being such a great senior sister and for driving me home from school! Good luck at Tufts next year!
Ms Lisa Cohen: From the history of Karen to Life in the 21st Century to wild Greek students in Vermont-- you took it all on with joy and excitement. You'll be a terrific Jumbo.
Abby Nibauer
Veronica Melendi: Abby!! Thank you for being a great EIC this year! Starboard definitely could not have ran without you! I will also miss our hallway conversations and Starboard leadership meetings! Best of luck next year at UPenn, I know you will do amazing!!
Sneha Shirhattikar: Hey Abby! Thanks for being such a great role model and awesome EIC for Starboard. Thank you for always helping me out with the little stuff and best of luck next year at UPenn!
Lilly Fanelle: Hi Abby, I have loved getting to be in Chamber Singers this year and NJYC with you for the past 3 years. I wish you the best of luck at Penn next year!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great senior on the squash team! Going into the season, I was very shy, and I wanted to thank you for being really welcoming and friendly to everyone. We will miss you next year! Good luck in the future, and remember to stay in touch!
Sofia Wanosky: Congratulations on finishing senior year and going to UPenn! It’s been really great getting to know you this year and thank you for being there especially in the beginning of the year. Congratulations again and I can’t wait to see what you do!
Ms. Cohen: I don't really want to write this note to you. Because it means you're leaving! I remember how some 8th grade teacher had taught you to fear fishbowls (shame on him!), your perseverance on Keeping Up (!!), and I will always remember your excellent leadership and service as one of Starboard's greatest EICs ever. Plus Krispy Kreme.
Victoria Nouss
Abby Werbel: Hi Victoria! Thank you for always being so welcoming and friendly. No matter what you always say hi in the hallways and supported us Freshman on the volleyball team. You are so fun to be around and made a boss team captain. I have no idea what I will do without you next year but I know you will do great things in the future!
Alyma Karbownik: Victoriaaaaa!! Congrats on finishing the year! I'm so happy for all your achievement, but I'm going to miss seeing you at school and having fun a practice. You have been such an amazing captain, teammate, and friend. I can't wait to see all your future accomplishments and I know that the next few years are going to be so fire for you. Good luck and have fun at college!❤️
Avery Bonner: Good luck in college! I'll miss you next year! Come visit us next volleyball season!
Tina Kintiroglou: Thank you for being such an amazing senior sister and a great role model. I hope you have so much fun at Clemson! I'm gonna miss seeing you in the hallways and having peer ED with you. I hope we can stay in touch and I hope you had an amazing senior year!
Emma Claire Quinn: Victoria!!! I will miss you so much next year! I loved playing bball with you freshman year and will miss seeing you in the hallway. Good luck in college next year!
Sarah Stavrovich: Congratulations Victoria!!!! I's so proud of you!! I'm going to miss you so much next year, school will NOT be the same without you. I loved seeing you in the hallways, playing basketball together, running around looking for coach Reid, talking before class, and I am so grateful we became such close friends with an awesome basketball behind the back pass play. I loved having you as my teammate and thank you for always being there for me to cheer me up! I loved protecting you in sticks, especially when you were hiding in a closet and I had to be a distraction. Basketball was so much fun this year and it was because I became so close with you, and I hope you come and see some games next year. I am so happy for you and I know you will do amazing things in the future. Make sure to come visit me!!!!
Caitlin Williams: I can't believe you're graduating! It has gone by so fast and playing basketball without you next is not going to be even close to the same! I gonna miss you so much but I know your going to do such great things! Thank you for a great three years! You better come back to visit!
Ms. Cohen: “Anything can happen to anyone, but it usually doesn't. Except when it does.” ― Philip Roth, The Plot Against America I'm so glad you happened to our school and your class of 2022.
Christiana Nwachuku
Sophia DiSarno: CHRISTI!! Thank you for making my first year of track at KPS so enjoyable. Your positivity and jokes about the workouts is something that I won't forget about in the coming years and something I hope to carry through winter/spring track for the next couple of years. Thanks for being such an inspiration as a captain and always having confidence in us. PENN GOT A SPEEDSTER AND I'LL MISS YOU SO MUCH NEXT YEAR!
Angelica Nwachuku: The time has come...lowkey still can't believe you're graduating. I love and you're gonna slay college so hard (have fun with shin splints tho lol could never be me). <33
Maya Yie: Hi Christiana, I always love your energy! You were an amazing Track Captain and I loved being in Computer Science with you, especially in the end as your tablemate! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at UPenn next year!
Nicola Murungi: Thanks for being such a good senior sister! I am really grateful for all the advice and guidance you’ve given me this year, and congrats on getting into UPenn!
Ms. Cohen: Keep running fast! Keep shining and moving and being such a good friend and support to many.
Leah Paul
Ms. Cohen: If you look carefully, you'll see just one example of your thoughtful, beautiful English 9 work (this one is in response to 'Everything I Never Told You' by Celeste Ng). It's been amazing to watch your growth as a scholar, lover of literature and reading, and artist.
Eden Ekong-Reid: Thank your for being my senior sister this year! I appreciated your offer to help with the situation in the 9th grade lounge and the cookie grams you sent me. Thank you for helping me for feeling more welcome my first year of high school.
Anniken Pederson
Isabella Deng: Hello senior sister :D Huge congratulations on Tulane! You're a really great senior sister and I hope you'll have a ton of fun in Louisiana! I'll miss seeing you in random hallways and in engineering club, but I know you'll do great in college =D
Maya Yie: Hi Anniken, congratulations on finishing high school and good luck at Tulane next year!
Karla Perdomo
Julissa Beltran: Karla, I am very thankful for having met you this year. You have been of help and you've had a lasting impact on me. I pray that you have a wonderful time at Yale. I know that you are going to be a great leader—you ARE a great leader. Thank you for everything Karla :^) †
Maya Tabora: Hey Karla! Thank you for everything you have helped me with this year. You inspired me to run for co-president of Latinx and to co-lead the affinity meetings. You were an amazing leader of Latinx and thank you for everything you've done for the community. Affinity and Latinx club won't be the same without you. Congrats on Yale and I hope you have an amazing time there.
Deysi Rodriguez: Hi Karla!! I am so happy I got to meet you this year. From being a small seeds member to getting into yale, you are truly and inspirational person in my life. You have inspired me to do so much, and have given me hope that I can make a change in Kent Place just like you have! Good luck at college and have fun! Enjoy Yourself! :)
Sneha Shirhattikar: Hey Karla, thanks so much for being such a great president of GEMS and I am really glad we got to work together this year. I wish you the best of luck next year!
Maya Yie: Hi Karla, you’ve always been friendly, open, and an inspiring leader. Thank you for being willing to answer questions about course registration! Congratulations on finishing high school and good luck at Yale next year!
Ms. Cohen: You're just amazing and you will be a joy for the next community you join and help empower. I feel like writing more would upstage your shine. So that's it. Come back and visit, please.
Helen Pertsemlidis
Natalie Weker: I can't imagine JSA without you Helen! Thank you so much for being such an amazing president. I've had so much fun and learnt so much from you.
Clara Schreibman: Thanks for being an incredible JSA president!! Can't wait to see what great things you do in the future!!
Caroline Hand: Helen I am so proud of you! I am so excited to see where you go in college. Have so much fun!! I will miss our morning drives to school! <3 - Caroline
Elizabeth Farshtey: Helen, I have seen you be a serious scholar, a poised presenter, a thoughtful conversation participant, a graceful dancer, and a silly “twin” to Zoe. I appreciate that I have been gifted to see so many sides of you. It’s been a delight being your advisor the past four years!
Ms. Cohen: JSA, dance, math, what a multi-faceted kid and way better than that one who launched a thousand ships.
Jaileen Portorreal
Clara Schreibman: Jaileen!!!! IM GONNA MISS YOU!!! Thanks for being the coolest person ever and blessing chamber and NJYC w ur voice hehe. We need another winter beach trip tbh. CONGRATS ON COLLEGE, you inspire me
Ms. Cohen: You may or may not remember this... but you made such an interesting, memorable (for me at least) "Postcard from the Odyssey." This is the giant Laestrygonian who shows up to eat some of Odysseus' men. Here's to you, Jaileen! For your love of poetry, ideas, art, and having the courage to say 'Just Kids' was "okay." I hope your wonderful mind finds community, connections, and joy at Oberlin.
Deysi Rodriguez: Hi Jaileen!! You were such an amazing senior sister this year! I hope you have a fun time at college!
Lilly Fanelle: Hi Jaileen, I loved having Chamber Singers with you and being in NJYC together. You are so talented! (I am still in awe of the fact that you sing both Soprano 1 and Alto 2!) Good luck at Oberlin!
Georgia Post-Lipnick
Sophia DiSarno: Thank you for being an amazing senior sister! You are literally one of the most musically talented people I have ever met. Go kill it in college and beyond!! :))
Ms. Cohen: Georgia P-L, you've brought so much wonderful music into our lives for the past 4 years. Here's to you, your lovely voice, and your guitar.
Maya Yie: Hi Georgia, your viola skills have always been inspiring and thank you for being an amazing Judiciary President! Congratulations on finishing high school and good luck at Princeton next year!
Lilly Fanelle: I can't believe that after 12 years of school together and 10 years of NJYC, we won't be together next year! I still remember the car rides to Delbarton, practicing our Apprentice music. You are so smart and talented, I wish you the best of luck at Princeton!
Katie Powers
Piper Mayes: Thank you for being a great senior sister!
Ms. Cohen: Katie, the photo is when you were at the Arboretum in 9th grade, engaging and thinking as always. Thanks for always say "Hi" to me in the halls. And for all the fun on Judiciary. And just for being a great member of the Class of 2022.
Tina Kintiroglou: Hey Katie! I hope you had a great senior year! Thanks for always listening to all of my problems and being a great role model. I'm gonna miss you so much next year and I hope you have so much fun at Tulane. Roll waves💚.
Annabel Prunty
Sophia Gandhi: Thank you for being a great peer ed leader!! I had a really fun time in peer ed this year, and you taught us a lot. Congratulations on NYU, and good luck in college!
Fiona Gambuzza: Thanks for being an amazing senior sister Annabel! You have been so nice and friendly and best luck in college!
Maya Yie: Hi Annabel, thank you for being an amazing Mock Trial leader! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck in college next year!
Megan Llewellyn-Jones: You were an amazing peer ed leader! You had fun stories and made it super fun to be there. I am going to miss you and peer ed next year. Have a wonderful time in college!
Miranda Wang: Thanks for being a great leader for mock trial and being really positive and friendly to everyone on the team! We will miss you next year! Good luck in the future!
Ms. Cohen: Annabel, you are a painter and now a drawer. I really loved our Persepolis exchange. It was a glimpse into both of our minds. I hope you keep exploring all the styles and fashions, and I will likely see you in a street fashion shot one day from NYC :)
Charlotte Prunty
Anna Gambuzza: You are amazing, talented, smart, and so good at art! It has been so much fun getting to know you and seeing you in school this year! Thanks for being an awesome senior sister! I am gonna miss you so much! Have an amazing summer!
Clara Schreibman: Thanks for being the best in stuaff!! You are the sweetest ever and I'g gonna miss you next year!! Can't wait to see what you do in the future!!
Ms. Cohen: I know I'm biased, but best senior class VP ever. You've been such a good friend, supporter, and cheerleader for all of your classmates.
Georgia Rabin
Emily Martin: Thank you for being the best senior sister ever! You are going to do so good at Duke!! I am going to miss you so much!
Lilly Fanelle: Hey Georgia, I loved getting to sit next to you in Chamber this year, and being in Math Club together. I will miss getting to chat with you before warm ups! Good luck at Duke!
Cadence Rice
Chelsea Cui: Thanks for being a great peer ed leader for me this year! I loved being in peer ed with you. The times when we had peer ed really helped me relax on Wednesdays. I hope you had a great senior year!
Esmé Kim: To tell you the TRUTH, I had so much fun dancing in your group! Good luck in college! :)
Angelica Nwachuku: Cadence!! Thanks so much for choreographing such an awesome senior project, and even though we didn't get to do that one lift that you wanted, it still turned out amazingly. I got so many compliments on our costume, so shoutout to you tbh. Overall, I had the best time dancing with you! Wishing you the best, and I hope you continue to stan Hobi at Richmond :)
Katie McCaffrey: Thank you for being a great senior sister this year! Wishing you luck for the next four years ahead!
Maya Yie: Hi Cadence, I loved being in your math class this year and I also loved your dance at the Evening of Dance! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at University of Richmond!
Lauren Rusas
Aurielle Wolf: LAUREN! I was so glad to be able to play field hockey with you this year. I know that you will slay at F&M, the bball team won't know what hit them. As you know I am a top level baller so I can tell. I am so excited for you to have this experience and can't wait to hear about it! I hope you love it as much as I think you will! Get out of here!!! Love, Chou
Elizabeth Farshtey: Lauren, I loved having you as the “11th member” of the Farshtey advisory in the ninth grade! You always brought energy and sunshine into the room, beyond keeping Anyra on-task with her Genius project. I wish you the best next year!
Abby Samson
Lilly Eccles: I'm so happy I got to be a captain with you this year, I'll miss you so much!!
Addison Ismael: You were such a great peer ed leader and sharing all of your stories with us! Thank you for being one of the kindest captains I’ve had this year I really appreciate it :)
Alexa Seaton
Maya Yie: Hi Alexa, I loved fencing foil with you last year (sorry that I left :))! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Rice!
Ms. Cohen: One huge bonus from being your "person"... I got to capture an early moment in your computers journey. Also, look at how young everyone is! The photo is from the first or second week of 9th grade.
Zoe Segal
Kathryn Cepeda: Thank you for being such an amazing swim captain this past Winter!! I will always remember our laughs in Lane 6 at SAY and laughs during KPS season - I wish you the best in college!!
Naina Bhardwaj: Hi Zoe!!! I just wanted to give you major congratulations, I am so happy and excited for you and I know that your future is incredibly bright. As my senior sister you have helped me in the transition to Upper School so much and I really enjoyed getting to know you and having you as my mentor throughout this year. I wouldn't be as comfortable as I currently am with school without your help and guidance. You're going to go on to accomplish amazing things, I hope you're ecstatic about the journey ahead of you and I wish you all the best in college!
Elizabeth Farshtey: Zoe, it seems impossible to me that there was ever a time when you were not part of our advisory, because you are so much a part of us. Even when every little thing that could go wrong was doing just that (schedules, sports, clubs, activities), you kept moving forward one step at a time. And you faced everything with grace and humor. It’s been a delight being your advisor the past three years!
Sanjana Shah
Aarah Ali: Thanks for being an amazing senior sister! I hope you have so much fun in college and good luck!!!
Emma Claire Quinn: Sanjana I am going to miss you so much! Being your teammate and friend has been so much fun. You are amazing! Good luck in college.
Sami Sharp
Sahana Kapoor: Congrats on graduating Sami! You are such a slay and are gonna be so happy Oxford!! Gonna miss ur British accent at Ethics competitions and driving u home from school bc ur a freak who doesn't have a license. Tbt to my fav photo -->
Priyanka Somaiya: Thank you for being an amazing senior sister and making me feel so welcome to the school in the beginning of the year. And, good luck at Oxford next year!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great ethics bowl captain this year and for always being really friendly to everyone on the team. You always make us laugh during stressful moments and have given us a lot of great advice. We will miss you next year! Good luck in the future, and remember to stay in touch!
Taylor Sharperson
Maya Yie: Hi Taylor, I loved being in your Computer Science class this year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck in college next year!
Helen Wu: I'm so happy we got to meet again! Have a great time at college :)
Maggie Sher
Liv Minton: Thank u for being the best senior sister throughout this year. It was really great at the beginning of the year to have a familiar face in the halls and it was so sweet how you would least say hi! Have a great year next year!!
Maya Yie: Hi Maggie, thank you for being an amazing Mock Trial Captain and Ballast EIC! You were always so inspiring and such a great leader! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Amherst!
Lilly Fanelle: I can't believe after 10 years of singing together, we won't be singing together next year! I especially loved getting to do the One Voice trio with you! You are so sweet, kind, and talented, and I wish you the best of luck at Amherst!
Miranda Wang: Thank you for being a great mock trial captain and lawyer! Being so friendly to everyone has really helped make mock trial a welcoming environment, especially for new members. Your organization and leadership has helped the team so much this year. We will miss you next year! Please stay in touch (and help us beat Oratory next year).
Ms. Cohen: South into Jersey on I-95 rain and windshield wipers and someone you love asleep in the seat beside you, light on all sides like teeth winking and that smell like baking bread gone wrong and you want to die it's so beautiful–– you love the enormous trucks floating in spray and the tall smokestacks rimmed with flame and this hammering in your head this magnet drawing what's deepest in you you can't name except to know it's there.
Alex Sinins
Maddie Popolow: CONGRATS ON A GREAT SENIOR YEAR!! Thanks for all of your advice this year—I definitely needed it. Enjoy penn so much. I'm sure your mom will tell my mom, who will tell me all about how it goes. I will miss you next year!
Ella Levy: Alex, congrats on graduating high school! You were such a fun senior sister, I couldn't have asked for a better one! UPenn is lucky to have you! I hope you have so much fun in college! :) - Ella
Lilly Eccles: I'll miss you!!
Ms Cohen: To a great Student Affairs President, excellent advocate for your class, and one of the best Sinins I've ever taught ;-)
Tina Kintiroglou: Hey Alex! I hope you had an amazing senior year. Florida was so much fun with you there! I hope you have so much fun at college and I hope come back to visit. Thanks for being a great role model and always being so happy. Go Quakers!
Megan Altier: Hi Alex! Congrats on completing senior year! You've been such a good Student Affairs president and you're going to slay at college. -Megan
Emma Claire Quinn: Hey Alex! Soccer and bball were so much fun with you! I will miss you next year but have fun in college!
Quinn Walters: Will never forgot your shot I blocked in basketball. Best day ever
Ms. Farshtey: Alex, what an amazing journey you have had over the past four years! So many accomplishments in so many areas - academics, Student Affairs, clubs, service. You have so much to be proud of! It has been a pleasure being your advisor the past four years!
Sabrina Skyers
Alyma Karbownik: CONGRATS SABRINAA!! Thank you for being such an awesome teammate and leader on the team. I'm going to miss seeing you at practice and also at Spanish class. I know these next years are going to be so awesome for you and you're going to accomplish so much. Good luck!!
Eden Selassie: Sabrina you have been such an amazing sister and part of our volleyball team. I’m so proud of your commitment to Tulane and can’t wait to see what you do. Love you!!
Isabel Smith
Brie Galiher: Even though it is time to move forward and leave behind the memories you made, the impacts you have made and the leadership you have modeled for those below you will stay forever. You have been a great leader and an amazing friend to those around you. Your attitude and enthusiasm has shown girls below you what it means to actually enjoy high school while you can and make the best out of it. Good luck wherever life takes you
Ms. Farshtey: Isabel, you always provide the energy to advisory – who else would have the stamina to dance the entire Rasputin song? But you also can be counted on to be the heart of our group, showing your great kindness and compassion. It’s been a delight being your advisor and teacher the past four years!
Sarika Somaiya
Sophia Gandhi: Thank you for being a great peer ed leader!! I had a really fun time in peer ed this year, and you taught us a lot. Congratulations on Bucknell, and good luck in college!
Megan Llewellyn-Jones: You were an amazing per ed leader with the best stories and advice. I have learned so much from you and am truly going to miss you and peer ed next year. I hope you have a wonderful time in college!
Maya Yie: Hi Sarika, I loved working on Ethics in Action with you last year! We struggled at first but persevered! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Bucknell!
Liz Sorvino-Mancini
Sophia Gandhi: Thank you for being a great peer ed leader!! I had a really fun time in peer ed this year, and you taught us a lot. Congratulations on UMich, and good luck in college!
Veronica Melendi: Liz!! Thank you for being such an amazing friend! I loved being on the fencing team with you for the past three years (and it's not going to be the same without you next year of course!) I wish you the best of luck next year in college, I know you will do great!
Aarah Ali: Thanks for being a great fencing mentor and always helping out! Good luck in college!
Kaitlyn Wang: Hi Liz! Congrats on University of Michigan! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see what you do in the future! I wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors, and I'm so glad I got to know you this year! :)))
Megan Llewellyn-Jones: You were an amazing peer ed leader and chess club leader. I always looked up to your and your work ethic. I think you are a truly amazing person and hope that you go on to do great things. Going to miss you and peer ed next year! Have a wonderful time in college!
Maya Yie: Hi Liz, whether in math class, Chess Club, or Fencing (sorry that I left :)), you’ve always been an amazing friend! I’ll miss you next year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at UMich!
Sneha Shirhattikar: Hey Liz. Thanks for being such a great friend and I am going to miss you so much next year. I loved all of our late night study sessions and our silly biology acronyms. I am so proud of you and I know you are going to kill it next year!
Miranda Wang: Thanks for being a great chess club president and organizing the club! The meetings were always really fun and I enjoyed them a lot. Good luck in the future!
Jocelyn Ameo: Thank you Liz for your fencing skill and team hype! You're always a super friendly face in the halls. Thank you for an amazing year, have fun totally #winning college!
Ms Lisa Cohen: I can't wait to see your next gambit! Find that junk shop in Ann Arbor, if it still exists. And keep on learning and sharing and ping-ponging.
Allison Sussman
Chelsea Cui: Thanks for being such an amazing peer ed leader for me this year! All of your stories were so interesting and made being peer ed really fun! Good luck in college!
Clara Schreibman: omg ally im going to miss you next year!! UNC is going to be so fire. XC was the best because of you. LOVE U PLS DON'T LEAVE ME
Makena Singer: Thank you for everything you have done for me this year! I appreciate how welcoming you were and all of the great advice you gave me. I will miss you next year! Good luck at UNC... I know you will do great things :)
Isha Talpade: HI ALLISON, good luck @ UNC. The softball team will miss you. Thanks for being an awesome captain!
Cassie Miller: Hi Allison!! You've been the best softball captain and teammate. I'll miss you next year and hope you have an awesome time at UNC!!
Maya Franco: Allison!! You are such a great softball caption and I'm so so lucky to have been on your team for two years. From your jokes to your amazing hits, you make softball so much more enjoyable. Have the best time at UNC :)
Caitlin Williams: From the KPS softball team: Allison, you have been an incredible team captain, teammate and outfield star. You are the only one we know who could pull off the short softball socks and pants look! You make every practice so much fun and never fail to make us laugh. Thank you for such a great season, we are all gonna miss you so much next year! Kill it at UNC!
Bronwyn Terry
Joshua Zheng: Greetings Bulgaria. I refuse to believe that you are graduating in a month. I'm not really sure how we came to establish diplomatic relations between our countries but I guess you're pretty cool. I wish you good luck on your next step and I know you'll do great in college (I may or may not steal your dogs but shh) You better come visit (this is a threat) -- Joshua Belarus Zheng
Victoria Ng: Thanks for being the best birthday twin ever! Don't think I could've made it through Chinese without you!
Ms Cohen: Whenever you feel that you're alone and there's nobody you can rely on, this is all you need to know. You Are Bronwyn Terry.
Nia Gitau: Thanks for inviting me to Philosophy club! Congrats on Emerson, best of luck next year!!
Pilar Torres
Chelsea Cui: Thank you for being such an amazing captain for the ice hockey team this year! I loved being on the team with you and all of our other amazing teammates. Good luck in college!
Nina Choi: Thank you so much for being such a great friend, teammate, and captain! You taught me a lot about field hockey during the fall and always give me helpful insight whenever I have a question (i.e. would I be able to survive AP Spanish lit?? Spoiler alert: absolutely not lol). I'll miss running into you at tourneys and the gym when we're absolutely crushing it w/ Chelsea :) I can't wait to see all the great things you accomplish at Williams! Congrats and best of luck!
Ava Paris: Hey Pilar! Congrats on finishing your senior year! Thank you for being the best senior sister. You have been so welcoming and supportive of me as I transitioned into high school. Not only that, but through your guidance on the hockey team, you taught me many leadership skills that I hope to cary through future hockey seasons. Good luck next year, and thank you for everything!
Claire Tratnyek
Maddie Popolow: Thank you Claire for being such a great friend for the past couple of years. From Rapid Fire days together to coming to KPS during the same year, and then playing field hockey together this past season, you have really had such a positive impact on me. Go crush it at Hamilton!!!
Nina Choi: Hey Claire! Congrats on graduating! (Although, I am sad that a fellow Millburn mustang ----> KPS dragon is leaving and I'll be the only KPFH player left at the Annex.) Even though we were only on the same team this year, you've been such a great friend and friendly face around school, at showcases, and ofc at Millburn fh games (we are such committed supporters of our roots🤞). Wishing you the best of luck at Hamilton! You're gonna do amazing!
Evelyn Grissinger: Congratulations on Hamilton College! I hope you have a great time and I wish you all the best. Thank you for being my senior sister.
Kathryn Tucker
Maya Yie: Hi Kathryn, thank you for being an amazing Mock Trial Captain! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck in college next year!
Lilly Fanelle: Hey Kathryn, it was so fun to do the musical with you this year! I will miss dancing with you backstage during Switchboard Lessons and the orchestra part of the Duration (as well as randomly bursting into Hello Girls songs during Chamber Singers)! Good luck at Spelman!
Miranda Wang: Thanks for being a great mock trial captain and lawyer! You taught the team a lot about how to argue for ideas and never give up. Good luck in the future! Please stay in touch (and help us beat Oratory)!
Sekai Marques: hi kathryn :D, we didn't get to spend too much time together but i just wanted to say that being in radium girls/hello girls (wow i am just seeing those parallels..) was really fun. you are so funny both on an off the stage and and amazing singer (like give me your range... please...). also being in treblemakers w/ you is always fun and we always sounded amazing. good luck to wherever your going and thanks for brightening my hs experience these past couple years :)
Anaika Tyagi
Mia Naggar: Congratulations on the end of your senior year! I hope you had a great experience this year, and thanks for being such a great senior sister.
Sophia Chimenti: It's been great having class last year and this year with you, and I wanted to wish you best of luck at college!
Francesca Wan
Chelsea Cui: I hope you had a great senior year! I loved playing defense with you on the ice hockey team. Good luck in college!
Isha Talpade: Good Luck at Tufts!!! Thanks for being an awesome senior sister :)
Elina Kapur: Always remember that you are one of the kindest, smartest people I have ever met. Gonna miss you next year and I hope you have an amazing time at tufts! Hope the EMS calls are fun there ;)
Maya Yie: Hi Francesca, I’ll miss you and your flute playing skills in Orchestra next year! Congrats on finishing high school and good luck at Tufts!
Lilly Fanelle: Hi Francesca, I loved getting to sing with you in Chamber Singers, and thank you for helping me last year with flute! You are so kind and thoughtful. I wish you the best of luck at Tufts!
Veronica Melendi: Francesca! Thank you for being such an amazing Starboard EIC this year! Best of luck next year at Tufts, I know you will do great!
Sneha Shirhattikar: Thanks for being a great EIC! It has been so much fun spending time with you at Starboard meetings and I wish you the best of luck next year at Tufts!
Ms. Cohen: Francesca. You are the best video-maker, snack-bringer, staff-rouser EIC we've ever seen. You're going to be a terrific Jumbo.
Emmy Wheatley
Megan Llewellyn-Jones: You were an amazing senior sister and I hope you have a great time in college!
Sneha Shirhattikar: Hey Emmy. Thank you for being such a great friend and I am going miss you. Good luck at Bowdoin next year!!
Ms. Cohen: Congratulations! And thank you for showing up even during the hardest times. And in full princess gear no less!
Nia Williams
Corynne Watkins: Hello, I just wanted to express how grateful I am to you for being such a great senior sister. You made sure that I was warming up well and helped me feel more secure in my environment even when it was hard. Thank you.
Ms. Cohen: Nia, your photo will be in the next BCA history. For sure. Thank you for sharing your awesome self with us these years, and I will keep archiving all of the amazing work you have continued as a leader.
Nana Yaa Oduro-Manu: Thank you for such a great year as president in BCA. I'm glad to have a black senior friend I can come to and your advice over the year has been very helpful. CONGRATS on Cornell and I hope you have a good fall!!
CC Wolf
Grace Williams: hey CC! It is absolutely amazing how kind and welcoming you are to everyone. It has been really great getting to know you through field hockey pre-season & fun activities. I'm sure you are going to be brilliant in college, congrats on graduating!;
Aurielle Wolf: CC! I know, I know, the year of sappy speeches from me. But hey you know you love me! I can't wait for you to go to college because I know you're going to love it. I however am going to hate it because I love spending time with you, contrary to popular belief. I am excited for you and overjoyed that you get to go on this adventure (please don't forget about me when you leave). I can't wait to leave my mark on Kent Place like I know you have. I'll miss you but don't tell anyone. Go on get out of here!! Love, Chou
Ms. Cohen: It's been so fun exploring comix with you this last trimester. And let me know which residential college you end up in (I'm JE, "JE SUX!")
Megan Wu
Maya Tabora: Thank you for being the best senior sister I could ever ask for. I'm gonna miss seeing you in the halls and walking our dogs together. We haven't known each other for that long but I'm really happy I got to meet someone as amazing as you are. I'm so proud of you and you inspire me so much. Congrats on Tufts, GO JUMBOS!!
Ms. Cohen: This photo was you designing, STEMing it up, and generally finding joy in figuring out new things. Congratulations, and thank you for your inquisitive, thoughtful spirit.
Sneha Shirhattikar: Congratulations on graduating and good luck at Tufts next year!
Maya Yie: Hi Megan, I’ll miss you in Orchestra next year! And I loved your amazing piccolo solo in the Danzon! A couple years ago, I first met you in NJYS, and now you’re a senior! Congratulations on finishing high school and good luck at Tufts!
Miranda Wang: Thanks for being a great senior on the squash team and also an awesome flute and piccolo player in orchestra! We will miss you next year! Good luck in the future!
Emma Yang
Kathryn Cepeda: Thanks for being such a fun KPS swim captain this past Winter!! I had the best time - I wish you the best in college next year!!
Alexa Garrido: Hi Emma! You were such a great senior sister this year, and I'm going to miss seeing you so much next year! You are an amazing swimmer, student, and friend, and I know you are going to do so well in college next year. Good luck!
Ms. Cohen: So much good art, ideas, stories, questions, and writing you've brought into my life, Emma. Thank you for the many excellent recommendations.
Sadie Zeiner-Morrish
Zoe Reeder: You are such a fun peer leader even though you got me out in STIX- we will miss you!!
Alice Carr: Sadie performing silent sky and like a little bit of softball with you was a lot of fun. You're a fantastic actor and such a nice friend. You are going to do so well at Trinity College!
Maya Lalani: Hi Sadie! I wanted to thank you for being such an amazing senior sister. You were so welcoming to me when I first joined the high school and you have always been there for me. You are going to do such amazing things and Trinity is so so sooooo lucky to have you as a part of their student body. I'm probably still gonna text you all the time next year but thank you for everything you have done for me! ilysm!
Ms. Cohen: Thank you for sharing your smile, baked goods, arts and crafts, and lovely, really lovely poetry, and so much more with us for these 4 years.
Cypress Zeiner-Morrish: jeździć czerwony nos renifer
Lilly Fanelle: Sadie!!!!! From NJYC in middle school to KP and Chamber Singers, to Radium Girls, As You Like It, Offerings, 12 Angry Jurors, and Silent Sky, I have loved every single performance with you. You are so incredibly talented! I'm so glad that we were Soprano 2s together this year, and that we got to sing the Alto 1 part of No Time together, one last time. I will miss performing with you and getting to chat with you all the time too! I am going to miss you SO much next year!!
Miranda Wang: Thanks for being a great Windward leader! The meetings were always really fun and I enjoyed them a lot. Good luck in the future!
Grace Thatch: the better zeiner-morrish
Sekai Marques: hi sadie :D im so glad to have been a part of kp theater/windward with you for these past 3 years. on top of being an amazing actor and guitar player (which is so cool btw) you are such an amazing writer. you lead windward so well, and you're always on top of things, and ive learned so much from you as junior editor. good luck to wherever you going :)