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Announcement ARCHIVES

Monday, 11/27/17 (B Week)


EconLife: You're probably a turkey-day expert by now! Test your Thanksgiving economics knowledge here .


PE Lab Workshops will be held Monday from 11-12. Please meet in the Great Room at 11am for instructions. Workshop assignments are posted around the Great Room.

Athletics Association: Dodgeball during Genius block at 12!

Friday, 11/17/17 (B Week)


Volunteer Spotlight:

Kaira Brown, 11th grade
Kaira Brown volunteers by tutoring the youth at her church. Her favorite student is a little boy named Kyle. He is in 1st grade and is incredibly bright. She tutors him in reading. Sometimes he can be a handful, but Kaira is up to the task. She is so inspiring because everybody knows Kaira can be very "candid" sometimes, but when she tutors Kyle a different side of her comes out. She is kind, understanding and loving. Because of this, Kyle absolutely adores her. He is lucky to have such a committed tutor to guide him through his schoolwork and it will interesting to see how their relationship develops as she continues to tutor him in future years.


Mrs. Murphy:

I have several:  1) Reminder that the Star Cover is due today.  Please make sure you give it to Mrs. Sullivan by the end of the day.   2)  Monday and Tuesday Schedule (please project the information) -- Rehearsals will happen during Genius; if not in rehearsals, that time is yours.  If you want to work on Genius, great; if you want to relax, great; if you have make up work to do, great!  Use the time for YOU!!!   Naval officer will be here at 2:15pm to speak with you -- please come!  Classes may come down or if you have a free.  3) Thankful Messages - I have left sticky notes on/near the Dean’s Office window - please write what you are thankful for and attach to the window!  


Thanksgiving week’s schedule:  
Rehearsals - Monday, November 20
Remember that you need to be ready to rehearse by the time it is listed; warm ups are to happen prior to the time listed.  These are the actual rehearsal times. You will meet in the Field House.
10:30 - 11am - Chamber Orchestra
11 - 11:20am - Chamber Dancers
11:20 - 11:40am - Dance Ensemble
11:40 - 12:00pm - Chorale
12 - 12:30pm - Primary School
12:30 - 1pm - Pep Squad
1:00 - 1:30pm - Middle School
1:30 - Block F (1:30 - 2:00pm) - Chamber Singers

2:15 – 2:45pm – Naval Officer Assembly

Grandparents/ Special Friends Day - Tuesday, November 22
8:15 Rehearsal (all those performing to the field house)
All others Conference Block
8:30 Block E
9:00 head to Field House;  12 on the bleachers; 9-11 in last 2-3 rows
9:15 Program
10:30 - 1045 Pick up Guests in Great Room
10:45 Advisory
11:00 Block C
11:30 Students escort guests to exit
12:00 Block G
1:00 Lunch
1:30 Block A
2:30 Block H

Film Club:

Film Festival! Fill out the Film Fest theme submission form by Tuesday, November 28 to win the best submission prize (a one of a kind movie package that includes stacks of candy, gift cards, movies, popcorns, and more!) So there is no harm in submitting a theme!


Benefit Concert:

Hey guys, I'm hosting a benefit concert with the help of a couple of my friends this weekend (Nov. 19).  Instead of supporting one organization, we will be supporting 5 different organizations. There are going to be performances, guest speakers and we will be presenting about our different organizations as well. If you would like to come out and support, it's this Sunday at Parsippany High School at 4-7PM. Please contact me via email: if you're interested in coming. Thank you!


Model UN:

Just a reminder that applications for the MUN conference for Sophomores-Juniors are due Monday at 3:30 the latest in Dr Shah's room.


Green Key:

Open House on Saturday. Please clean up the community spaces.


Community Service Committee:

The Community Service will be having a meeting during Committee block and we will making "Thank You" cards for the security, maintenance, reception, and the dining hall staff. In addition to this hands-on activity, we will be talking about the upcoming Community Service Assembly. Everyone is welcomed to attend!



GLAM'D will be having a meeting during Club/Break and we will be watching and discussing Roxane Gay's Ted Talk about being a "bad feminist." Everyone is welcomed to come!


The fall play Gadzooks! It will be on 11/17 and 11/18. Starting at 8:00 PM; There are no tickets, seating is first come first serve! Get ready for laughs.


French Club:

French Club is having a bake sale today! Stop by anytime and buy some baked goods or freshly made crêpes. The proceeds of this bake sale will be donated to a family from the Ivory Coast.


Mrs. Stevenson:

This is a gentle reminder that all PE exemption applications for the Winter trimester are due by 11:59pm on Friday, November 17, 2017. In addition, Fall end of trimester reports (online report form) and journal entries (signed by your coach) are due on Friday, November 17th as well. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Click here for Exemption application link, and here for Online Report form.


Investment Club:

Investment Club Meeting today in Dr. McCreary's room during committee block!


Athletic Association:

Last week, Kiana McQuade earned dragon of the week for her excellence in Varsity Cross Country and Claire Pisano earned Dragon of the Week for her boundless energy and upbeat attitude.


Mrs. Woodall:

The Spirit of Community Award (Chumley) to 10th graders for most Bridges lunches made!


Social Committee:

about meeting, Blizzard/ Winter Dance, and opportunity for any filmmakers.


KP Dems & Repubs & BCA:

In light of monumental electoral victories across the country last week,  BCA and Dems will be having a joint meeting about diversity and representation in government. The meeting will take place during club block in Ms. Thomas' room.


Monday, 11/13/17 (B Week)


Basketball will be having open gyms November 14 and 16 from 3:45-4:45!


Engineering Club: The hurricane building project is set up in the STEM Lab. The goal is to build a "building" with the given materials to withstand a "hurricane" (a fan). Directions and materials are in the STEM Lab! You can work independently or in groups and you can revise your building throughout the week and the winners get baked goods!


Baggywrinkle has a meeting this Thursday during lunch in the Library! Be there to hear some of your classmates' amazing work!


Princeton Prize in Race Relations:

The application is a couple of questions that range from 250-650 words just asking about what you’ve done/the effect on your community and you will also need a recommendation from an adult who knows about your project.
If you need any help, just email one of us (Yves Millien and Aneela Kanhai), or stop us in the hallway! Ms. Murphy will be sending out a follow-up email
DEADLINE TO APPLY: January 31st, 2018


Green Key: There is an Open House this Saturday, November 18th from 9:00 to 12:15. Chamber Singers will be performing at 10!


Robotics Team: The Robotics Team had our first competition this past Sunday! We won four out of five matches, placed tenth out of 25 teams, and were nominated for the judges' award for outreach. Our next competition will be on January 6, at the Liberty Science Center.


Girls Outdoors has a meeting this Thursday! We'll do a mapping activity, talk about the fall outing, and reveal the winter outing! Get excited:)


Children’s Grief Awareness Day is this Thursday, November 16th.  According to the organization Good Grief, 1 in 7 children will experience the death of a parent or sibling before age 20. By wearing blue on Thursday, you can show solidarity with all children everywhere who have lost someone they love.


Cross Country: varsity cross country had their last meet on Saturday at Holmdel, JV had their last meet a couple weeks ago at Thompson Park (states)


Field Hockey Lost to Oak Knoll in Sectional Finals which was the conclusion of the season, thank you to everyone who came to support!


Bridges: Thank you to everyone that brought in lunches for the run, we made over 400 sandwiches! The grade that brought the most will be given the Community Dragon!


Cabaret: Thank you to everyone who sang in the Cabaret and those who came out to support! We made $5,700, which will help fund the Ireland Trip this summer!


Friday, 11/10/17 (A Week)


Diversity Council:

Diversity Council will be having a meeting during Club/Break in Ms. Dwyer's old classroom (229). We will be discussing the American identity and how that applies to different people. Everyone is welcomed to come, and we look forward to an engaging and thought-provoking discussion.



JSA will have a meeting on 11/10 in Mr. Maset’s room! We will be
talking about the recent elections, especially the gubernatorial elections!


Mock Trial:

Mock Trial meets tomorrow at the normal time in the library!


Ms. Murphy, Mr. Weathersby, & Ms. Thomas:

Ms. Murphy, Mr. Weathersby, & Ms. Thomas discuss the STAR schedule, STAR cover contest, and other STAR information.



Thank you to everyone who brought in lunches for the run! The grade that brought the most will be given the Community Dragon!



Dichos is making cultural cookies! We're also getting ready for the BAGEL BREAKFAST COMPETITION!


Community Service:

Volunteer Spotlight- AIDAN MCGUIRE
"This summer, she volunteered as a camp counselor at the Schiff Nature Preserve. She worked with pre-school kids and helped them develop a love for the environment. Aidan McGuire is very passionate about nature. She wants to be an environmental scientist when she grows up.It is so inspiring that she took the time out of her very busy summer schedule to share her passion with others therefore, raising up a new generation of environmental warriors. She hopes to do the same thing next summer."


Environmental Club:

Today we will have a discussion based meeting. We have a bunch of interesting questions prepared, so come ready to talk about anything and everything from what sustainable things we have at Kent Place to opinions on zoos and aquariums. Come to Ms. Chaffee-Cohen's room during club/break!


Monday, 11/6/17 (A Week)


Dr. Galambos:
There will be consultants here on Wednesday and Thursday. Check your email for more information. 


Volleyball had a great season and won their game against Oak Knoll. Their final record was 16-7. Go Dragons!


The Cabaret is on Friday 11/10 from 7:30-10:30 and students are admitted for $10. It will be featuring the Chamber Singers, KP Singers, solo acts, group acts, and the Treblemakers! 


Girls Outdoors:
Girls Outdoors had our first outing yesterday! We had a lot of fun hiking to a waterfall:) Get excited for our winter outing! Click here to see our picture!

Coach Stevenson: 
On Wednesday, November 8th during PLC (8:15-9:15) in the Great Room, we will welcome Dr. Ken Davis of Advanced Health Systems to Kent Place as part of our PE Lab workshop series. Dr. Davis is a Healthcare Pioneer and Sports Physician (Advanced Chiropractor and Equine Chiropractor), who has helped people for over 40 years. Including world-class athletes and top professionals ranging from Michael Strahan, Jason Kidd, Olympic Horse Rhythmical (2000 Summer Olympic Equestrian Show Jumping), Lorraine Bracco (Actress Goodfellas), Make-up artist, Bobbi Brown  and many others.

Special Note: Dr. Davis has a page dedicated to him in Bobbi Brown’s New York Times Bestseller Living Beauty, where Bobbi discusses her incredible experience consulting with Dr. Davis for the first time, his explanation of the “Triune of Well-Being” and crucial tips to help her focus inward.


Ms. Gordon: 
Our first Bridges run is this Friday! Freshman will get more information about this during class meeting on Tuesday. Please bring your lunches to school on Friday! 


If you are in the cast or crew for the play, you are called this week. Please come. 




Friday, 11/3/17



Today, GLAM'D will be having a relaxing meeting in Dr. Barovero's classroom (Room 143) during Club/Break. We will be watching Disney's "The Princess and the Frog." Everyone is welcomed to come, and there will be chocolate!


Chinese Club:

Chinese club today in Ms. Chang’s room!! We will be drinking Chinese tea and discussing Chinese tea culture and etiquette!



Friday, 10/27/17


Math Club:
Math Club will be meeting today. There will be food, and we will review our intended agenda moving forward. We will also have fun math games and math competition problems to do.


Mrs. Woodall:
Mrs. Woodall shared some info about Diversity consultants coming and how KP is functioning right now without a Director of Diversity


Cross Country:
Cross country had Preps on Wednesday at Blair--we came in 4th.  Everyone did really well on the tough course!


Diversity Council:
With Halloween approaching, Diversity Council will be discussing cultural appropriation and how we can be informed and mindful when selecting costumes for the holiday. We will be meeting during Club/Break, and everyone is welcomed to come!


Mock Trial:
Mock Trial Meeting Tomorrow! Make sure you're signed up for an audition date and check your email for more information. 


Student Affairs:
There is critical info for Spirit Week in the email.

Also, check out the calendar to the right to see the themes for each day.


Results from week 


Model UN:
Model UN has a meeting during Club/Break in Dr. Shah's room. We will be discussing some of the procedures involved at UN meetings!


Community Service Volunteer Spotlight:
Announcing our very first Volunteer Spotlight: 9th grader Jenna Smith! Nominated three separate times, it is clear that Jenna is an inspiration to many in our community. One friend writes:
 "Jenna is the new Community service representative and has already taken it upon herself to encourage us to do what we can and give us opportunities to do so....Her attitude embodies a genuine care for others."
Another friend added on: "Jenna volunteers for the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome. She's put her life and soul into the Family Fun 5K. She's been calling her representatives and got a few to sponsor/support the event. There are people who think about things and people who do things. Jenna is both. If there is anything to be said about her it's that she turns her thoughts into actions. Through persistence and hard work, I was inspired by how much she's accomplished for The New Jersey Center for Tourette's Syndrome."
Congratulations, Jenna! Keep being you!
Here is the link to the volunteer spotlight nomination form. 


Environmental Club:
Environmental club is meeting today! We will be visiting the pollinator garden here at school and talking about the purpose of it/specific details about it.


Monday, 10/23/17


Mock Trial:

If you are interested in being a lawyer or a witness, fill out the survey by Monday 10/23. We’ll send out the link and the audition case again. If you are interested in being a legal assistant, email Kate and Jacqueline by Wednesday.


Student Affairs:

Latin@ Collection Drive- Monday 10/30. It is for the Hispanic Society of Essex County. They are collecting D batteries and toiletries (especially travel-sized) for Puerto Rico and Mexico. Grades can get Spirit Week points for bringing in items.


Ms. Woodall:

Thank you to everyone who helped at Open House yesterday!  We had a terrific showing and many new people were impressed with all of you!

Athletic Association:

Dragons of the Week! JV FIELD HOCKEY: Stacey Espiritu, VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY: Tori Blundin, Skylar Lienhardt, VARSITY TENNIS: Grace McGinley, Kelcie Engles, Remy Charters, JV VOLLEYBALL: Rachel Esposito, VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY:Sara Wheatley, JV SOCCER: Laura Jeffries, VARSITY SOCCER: Charlotte Crutchlow. Read more about it here.


9th Grade:

9th grade night with Maurice is on November 3!



The Divco Instagram @div.collective is having a COMPETITION!!!

We need YOUR submissions to continue our Storytime Sunday series. The Storytime Sunday series features art, writing, poetry, photography, personal stories, short films, videos of you singing a song you wrote, a dance you choreographed about ANYTHING related to diversity and/or social justice. It is about individual students in our community because all of our stories/experiences are different and make up our diverse community.

You can submit things anonymously and you do not have to be in diversity council to enter!

For the next few weeks, we will have a competition, for submissions that go with the theme "STRUGGLE" so if you submit anything regarding hardships or overcoming obstacles you will be eligible for a SUPER SPECIAL PRIZE! The top 3 picks will be featured first and will receive the award in the second week of November.

So if you have something to share, email it to with your name or "anonymous" and a brief description of the meaning behind whatever you're submitting, the subject line should include that it is for the competition.

Community Service:

The Community Service Committee is going to start doing "Volunteer Spotlights" on Fridays at Morning Meeting. We are going to send out a form early each week, where you can nominate a friend to be featured. Look out for it!



Tennis unfortunately lost in the state championships :( But they have two matches this week on Thursday and Friday.


Field Hockey:

Field Hockey has a game this Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Go Dragons!




Friday, 10/20/17



Kent Place Tennis made history on Thursday, October 19, when the varsity tennis team captured the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association's (NJSIAA) Non-Public A State Championships! The Dragons knocked out the Academy of Holy Angels School on Tuesday, October 17, in the NJ State Sectional Championship held at the KPS tennis courts to advance to the NJSIAA Non-Public A State Championship held at Mercer County Park on Thursday. The girls advance to the Tournament of Champions, held on Sunday, October 22, at the Garden State Tennis Center, time TBD. GO DRAGONS!

Also, as a result, everyone can wear athletic wear on Monday, 10/23.


Girls Who Code

We are starting a chapter of Girls Who Code at Kent Place this year! This club will provide the basic fundamentals of computer science and is a great way to learn how to code. It is a great opportunity if you who don't want to make an academic commitment and want to learn how to code for fun! The club is open for girls grades 6-12, and no experience is necessary! It will be from 6-8 PM on Thursday nights and there will be food provided at every meeting, starting November 2. If you are interested, please talk to your parents and fill out the form by October 26th. If you have any questions, contact Riley Kaufman ‘18 and Ayana Leelasena ‘18


Strong Teens Against Racism (S. T. A. R.)

There will be an Open House at Mondo, in Summit, NJ from 2-4 PM on Sunday, 10/22


Mu Alpha Theta Peer Tutoring
Mu Alpha Theta Peer Tutoring is up and running. Watch this space as our members share math news, spread math joy, bring you math puzzles, get you playing math games, run math contests, and more!


Mock Trial

There will be a meeting tomorrow morning from 9:30 to 11:00 AM in Mr. Morey’s room. Email Kate Robinson ‘18 or Jacqueline Pothier ‘18 if you have questions or can’t make it.


Athletic Association

Click here to learn about his week’s Dragons of the Week



There is a meeting at club/ break in Mr. Mango’s room. There will be brownies!.



BCA has a meeting in Dr. McCreary’s room today. We will be discussing vocabulary within the black community.


French Club
There will be a meeting today during Club/Break in Madame Moreau's room (room 148)! Everyone is welcome, and please come even if you weren't at the last meeting. We will be discussing an upcoming bake sale we would like to plan in support of a family from the Ivory Coast and French music. If either of these topics sounds interesting to you, please stop by! There will be plenty of food!


Investment Club
There is an investment club meeting today during committee block at 11:00 in Dr. McCreary's room. We will be talking about plans for the year and discussing a current financial event. There will be munchkins!


Community Service

Community Service Committee is meeting today (10/20/17) in Ms. Dwyer's classroom during committees and we will be making dolls for
MSTERIO to send to children in countries all over the world!


9th Grade
Mon. 10/23 - 9th Grade Genius Block schedule - All groups will stay with their Writing Across the Disciplines group for 3 different activities. Check your email before the weekend for the schedule.




GLAM'D has a meeting today (Friday, October 20th) and we will be discussing the Harvey Weinstein case and Women in Hollywood. Come if you are interested in discussing these current events or are just interested in learning from and listening to an interesting discussion!


Articles for both issues are due by the end of the night! Please submit them to the appropriate folder on Google Docs.



Soccer had a tough loss against ALJ on Tuesday, but the whole team played amazingly. We had a strong 3-1 win over Linden in our second night game Thursday. Come and support us in our pink game for breast cancer awareness Saturday against New Prov!


Cross Country
Cross Country had a meet on Tuesday--conference championships, and we came in 3rd. More big meets coming up!



Volleyball is having Senior Day on Saturday, 10/21 at 2:00 PM vs. Blair Academy in the Field House. Please come out and support!




Monday, 10/16/17



It’s LGBT History Month!


Lit Loose

There is a meeting on Monday (10/16). If you want to come to the Lit Loose/ GSA meeting for Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, make sure you fill out the lunch survey by 3:30 even if you want to bring your own lunch.


Mock Trial

The first mock trial meeting is this Saturday (10/21) in Mr. Morey’s Room from 9am -- 12pm.

Here's the full casebook website link.
The relevant pages are 54-84 (it looks longer than it is because there is special formatting).

Questions? contact: and



There is a writing contest. The theme is writing from the perspective of another person, object, or animal! Submit your writing to Windward is also accepting art and writing not meant for the contest. Submit it to the same email and specify what it is for.


Girls Outdoors

Girls Outdoors has a meeting this Thursday (10/19) in Ms. Chaffee-Cohen's room! Everyone is welcome, even if you weren't there last time. We are going to plan our first outing and do a fun activity with animal tracks. There will be food!


International Day of the Girl

Thank you to all the student leaders for International Day of the Girl.

Evening Study Hall

Evening Study Hall begins this Wednesday (10/18). Signups are due by noon on Wednesday.

Girls Who Code
Fill out the interest form if you are interested in the club.

For more information, contact: and



Use your login to access the audio books. Please limit the noise in the small rooms.



Articles are due Thursday (10/19) and Friday (10/20), and Ballast meets Tuesday (B week) and Thursday (A week).


Social Committee

Cookie grams are coming soon.


Field Hockey

We had senior day and played in the Union County Semifinals, which went into double-overtime. It was a loss, but all played well.


Friday, 11/10 (A Week)


Diversity Council:

Diversity Council will be having a meeting during Club/Break in Ms. Dwyer's old classroom (229). We will be discussing the American identity and how that applies to different people. Everyone is welcomed to come, and we look forward to an engaging and thought-provoking discussion.



JSA will have a meeting on 11/10 in Mr. Maset’s room! We will be talking about the recent elections, especially the gubernatorial elections!


Mock Trial:

Mock Trial meets tomorrow at the normal time in the library!


Ms. Murphy, Mr. Weathersby, & Ms. Thomas:

Ms. Murphy, Mr. Weathersby, & Ms. Thomas discuss the STAR schedule, STAR cover contest, and other STAR information.



Thank you to everyone who brought in lunches for the run! The grade that brought the most will be given the Community Dragon!



Dichos is making cultural cookies! We're also getting ready for the BAGEL BREAKFAST COMPETITION!


Community Service:

Volunteer Spotlight- AIDAN MCGUIRE
"This summer, she volunteered as a camp counselor at the Schiff Nature Preserve. She worked with pre-school kids and helped them develop a love for the environment. Aidan McGuire is very passionate about nature. She wants to be an environmental scientist when she grows up.It is so inspiring that she took the time out of her very busy summer schedule to share her passion with others, therefore, raising up a new generation of environmental warriors. She hopes to do the same thing next summer."


Environmental Club:

Today we will have a discussion based meeting. We have a bunch of interesting questions prepared, so come ready to talk about anything and everything from what sustainable things we have at Kent Place to opinions on zoos and aquariums. Come to Ms. Chaffee-Cohen's room during club/break!

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