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1/4/23 Announcements

Ms. Murphy’s Weekly Announcements: here

Ms. Hager

Welcome back from Winter Break and happy 2023! As we proceed into this new year, please be reminded that the school faced flooding issues over break and some areas of the building are still affected. Most areas remain functional; however, some classrooms in the Music Wing have been completely shut down due to more extensive water damage. Thank you to the staff members who showed up over Winter break to address the problem!

Ms. Murphy

Please start taking down door and locker decorations! Winners for the door decorating competition will be announced soon. Also, please take a look at the Google Folder with pictures of lost and found items linked on the Weekly announcements page to see if anything there may belong to you. Items will be donated at the end of the week. Committees will be held this Thursday even though it is an A Week, and we will have an assembly next week. Lastly, please sign up to help at Primary School lunchtime if you can- the signup form can be found here.


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