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SIS Notes 2020: Groups

The following notes were written to groups of seniors. Please see the SIS Notes 2020 Home Page for links to individual notes and the photo gallery.

Class of 2020

Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Rich: Dear Class of 2020, It has been an honor and such a pleasure caring for all of you. We will miss your smiling faces next year and wish you all the best in the future. Please come back and visit us! All the best, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Rich :))


Ms. Mulry: I wish you all the best as you move on to new and exciting adventures. I have been so impressed by your attitude for the last four years and particularly, as you have navigated this challenging time. It is a true testament to your courage and sense of community as you have helped your sisterhood move forward together. When the time comes, come back and visit KPS. We will be so happy to see you in person once again! You have great things in store for you!! Best, Ms. Mulry


AP Latin Seniors

Haley Murray: Dear Latin Seniors, I am so sad that we did not get to finish our year together, however I am so grateful that I was able to be in your class. Being one of four juniors in a senior class is one of the scariest things, yet Latin easily became one of my favorite classes because of all of you. I am so proud of all you and am so disappointed we will never spend another Latin class together. I love you all so much. <3 Haley


AP Physics Block B Seniors

Alex Pereira: Thank you for making block b physics so iconic! All of you guys lit up the room every day with your kindness and your hilarious jokes (and saved my life repeatedly by answering all my dumb questions). Taking physics online isn’t going to be the same without you next year, but I know you’ll all do great things when you (lar-)go off to college! Best of luck next year!


Chamber Dancer Seniors (Eleanor Kanengiser and Mikaela Rice)

Chelsie Nacelus: Dear Eleanor and Mikaela, Thank you so much for an amazing three years in the studio! Thanks for your guidance, your encouragement and laughter during our locker room talks, and your smiles during modern warmup! Eleanor, thank you for craziness and your creativity these past few years, and always being so outspoken! It just hit me that we've been in the same senior projects since my freshman year, and I'm so glad we got the chance to finish our journey off together! Mikaela, thanks for your infectious giggles about everything, and being able to make me laugh with you no matter what. I'll miss communicating with our eyes on the stage while we do Traces, and trying to keep a straight face when we see each other! To you both, I'll miss you so much and can't wait for you guys to come back make guest appearances in EOD next year! Love you ;)


Grace Weiss: Hi Mikaela and Eleanor!! Chamber Dancers will not be the same without you! All of us will miss you so much next year! Both of your senior projects were amazing and I’m sorry you won’t get to show them to everybody in the Evening of Dance this year! It was so fun getting to know you both over the past four years and your both amazing dancers! Congratulations on graduation!! Come back and visit the Chamber Dancers squad next year!! Have a great summer!!! - Grace Weiss


Chamber Singers Seniors 

Ms. Thomas: Dear Singers, At least I can never say I will not be "Wanting Memories!" I have so many of our shared times in room 132, our retreats, our open houses, the Choral Showcases - (faintings included!) special invitations, the Pingry concerts, 4 fabulous STAR concerts, and of course, Ireland. "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back." I will miss you all dearly!


English 9 Block G 

Ms. Cohen: Whatta bunch of great English students! We had a party on this day-- something about bringing in food for all of the works we read? I remember getting club soda to represent "air" for Ariel in 'The Tempest'.


Geometry Class of 2016

Ms. Crowe: To the Geometry Class of 2016: I will fondly remember our pies, brownies, music videos, and proofs! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. Love, Ms. Crowe


OG Tong Advisory (Stacy Espiritu, Eliza Cohen, Shefali Murti, Catie Gilhuley, and Maddie Canfield)

Ms. Tong: Stacey, Eliza, Shefali, Catie, and Maddie - you will forever be etched in history as my first advisory and the one with the least exciting advisory breakfasts (possibly of all time). Still, you have taught me the immense pride of seeing wee giggly sixth graders transform into remarkable, poised, self-assured, real people ready to take on the world. I am honored to have played a role, no matter how small, in your Kent Place journey. It's always been a treat to see you around campus and it truly won't be the same with you. Nevertheless, I wish you SUCH fun and amazingness in all the new adventures and opportunities ahead of you. With love and admiration -- Ms. Tong


Crowe Advisory 

Ms. Crowe: Eileen Cohn, Maya Vuchic, Sophie Schmitz, Catherine Pothier, Catie Gilhuley, Isabel Kim- Once a Crowe Advisee, always a Crowe Advisee. I will miss you!


APICA Senior Leaders (Jessica Kim and Adithi Jayaraman)

Olivia Kwon: Adithi and Jessica, Thank you for being making APICA the best squad ever!! I am going to miss you guys so much next year and I know you guys are going to kill it!! Love you!!


Kayla Kim: Thank you for doing such a great job leading APICA this year! I’m so happy to be a member of this club since the beginning, and you guys have really done an incredible job this year planning activities and working even in the face of adversity. Good luck at Dartmouth and Cornell!!


Ballast EICs (Lizzie Herr and Naomi Gordon)

Kayla Kim: Thank you so much for being great EIC’s this year! This was my first year joining because I was scared of the upperclassmen for the past two years, but you two really made me feel welcome. You guys were very focused on the vision for this year, and Ballast has been one of the highlights of junior year for me.Thank you!! Good luck at Hamilton and Middlebury! :)


Ethics Bowl Seniors 

Anyra Kapoor: Ethics Bowl Seniors, Thank you so much for everything that you have done for everyone this year! You all have truly made the team experiences memorable even when we started to lose our minds some nights discussing Project Prevention and Involuntary Commitment. (sorry to bring that up again) All of you are so incredibly smart and hardworking, and I will really miss you all next year. Hope you all find immense success in your next chapter of your lives, and remember Geoff and all of our funny moments competing.


Miranda Lorsbach: Hi guys! You are all so amazing, smart, and thoughtful, and you have been the best leaders and role models for me over the past two years. The team is not going to be the same without you! I am going to miss our many sandwiches and quesadillas together (and chocolate covered animal crackers), and laughing at Jeff with a G, and memorization cram sessions on the bus. Thanks for some fun times, and good luck in college!!


Elizabeth Mastrangelo: We will miss you so much on the team next year! You played such an integral role in our success over the past few years and you have left big shoes to fill! We are excited to see all that you will accomplish! - The Ethics Bowl Team


Spectrum Leaders (Stacey Espiritu and Tyler Newman)

Kayla Kim: Thanks for leading Spectrum this year! Best of luck at Cornell and Stanford!


Grace Kane and Naomi Gordon

Ms. Cohen: You will be in my fond memories of adventures around D.C. with JSA. Someday one of you may be in that Capitol!


Grace Holt and Maggie Stanton

Ms. Cohen: Maggie and Grace H.! Thank you for having me on your DC adventures with JSA! You're great leaders, and you've inspired another group of junior stateswomen to follow in your footsteps.


Catie Gilhuley and Maya Vuchic

Alex Pereira: It’s been so wonderful getting to know you both through Fencing these past few years. Thank you for being the most talented, reliable, fun, encouraging, and all-around amazing captains the team could ever ask for! I really appreciate that ever since I was a freshman, you have always been willing to answer my millions of questions and have consistently inspired me to push myself to be better. Clearly, the juniors have big shoes to fill next year (although I can promise you right now we will never come remotely close to matching your legendary running skills). We’re gonna miss you so much next winter. Can’t wait to see you kill it in college!


Basketball Team Seniors (Stacey Espiritu, Keili Murphy, and Ariel Ashinsky)

Chelsie Nacelus: Dear Keili, Ariel, and Stacey, Thank you so much for two amazing years of basketball! Keili, thank you for your jokes, optimism, encouraging texts, motivation, and karaoke sessions on the bus (Before He Cheats is forever in my heart)! Ariel, thank you for being like a big sister both on and off the court, teaching me the ropes, and always laughing with me even when I'm sure I make no sense whatsoever; you are such a caring individual and I know you'll kill it in Cali! Last but certainly not least, Stacey--thank you for being so aware of everyone's feelings and knowing how to lighten up the mood, demonstrating what it means to be a great leader both on and off the court, and being so cool about everything (pink lotion before practice will forever be in my heart)! To all of you, thanks for everything you've taught me and how welcoming you've been! I'll miss you so much!


Zoe Campbell: Keili, Stacey, and Ariel thank you for everything. I could not imagine my high school experience without all three of you. I am so grateful for everything you have taught me and your leadership. I genuinely have no idea what I am going to do without you next year. Expect many visits, I know you guys will do great things! I cannot wait to see you at the alumni game :')


Kate Lowry: Thank you for being such great leaders and making basketball so fun this year!! It won't be the same without you guys next year :(


JV Tennis Team Seniors

Eliza Lox: So I know we were never all that close but I wanted to let you know that I will miss you guys next year. I enjoyed talking and I had a good time when we went to CPK for team bonding that one time. Thanks for being leaders to my grade and the underclassmen.


Caitlin Tam: Thank you guys for be AMAZING captains this season! Bus rides won't be the same without you! Have fun at college!


Squash Team Seniors

Caitlin Tam: Thank you guys for be AMAZING captains this season! Bus rides won't be the same without you! Have fun at college!


Softball Team Seniors

Softball Team Juniors: Keili, Ariel, Kelsey, Erin, Biz and Naomi, Thank you for being the best seniors we could ask for! For the past three seasons you have taught us so much, but most importantly we have all become a family. From playing on the cold and rainy days to the hot and humid ones we have laughed our way through the ups and down of softball together. We all can agree, there is no group that we would rather put up our fence with! We are sad and sorry that your senior year season did not go to plan, but we hope you know that your contributions to the KPS Softball team will not be forgotten. We wish you all the best of luck next year and we hope that you come back to visit frequently! We will miss you all soooo much - Grace, Zoe, Elizabeth, Trisha, Claire and Eliza


Cross Country Team Seniors

Kayla Kim: Thank you for making my two years of cross country so memorable and slightly less painful. All of you guys have inspired me to work harder, be passionate about running, and make memes. I don’t know what the team will be like without your leadership, and honestly if it wasn't for you guys I probably would have quit mid-season. Thank you for making cross country feel like a second (slightly more painful) home and community, I will always be grateful. Middlebury, Amherst, Northwestern, Princeton, and Hamilton doesn’t know what’s coming!


Kaitlyn â€‹Szot: Thank you for always being the most amazing seniors. You constantly pushed me to get better and always made it so much fun. I will miss all of your smiling faces and it certainly won't be the same without all of you. I wish you the best with college next year and I hope you continue running :)


Miranda Lorsbach: Hi guys! I'm going to miss you so much next year... the team just won't be the same without all of you! I am going to miss all of our jogs to and from Memorial together, our mad dashes across highways to get to Wawa, our breathless Warwick loops (ok, maybe you won't miss those), and our spike-stealing extravangzas at Shore Coaches. You guys have made my high school cross country seasons so fun and you are all so kind and supportive and goofy :) Love you lots and good luck in college!!


Cross Country/Track Teams Seniors

Lindsay Hausman: Thank you for being amazing teammates this year! I had so much fun running with you all and I am so glad that I got to be on your team. You are all so fast and so nice, I had a great time with you during the XC and Track seasons. You are all awesome seniors, and I hope you have an amazing time at college!


Winter Track Team Throwers

Courtney Crowder: The throwers squad will never be the same without you!! I know we haven't know each other that long but I feel like you guys are one of the few people who know me best. I really, really and gonna miss you guys (Just so you know, I'm crying while I write this). I wish you the best in all of your endeavors, and I hope we (encluding Emily) can hang out soon. Love you guys!!!


Fencing Seniors (Subha Chopra, Catie Gilhuley, Maya Vuchic, and Tabitha Weidner)

Alex Pereira: Thank you guys for being such wonderful leaders. It’s been so great getting to know you all the past few years, and I can’t believe you won’t be with us next season! Complaining about the long walks to Oratory, rolling our eyes at our favorite ref Margot Monster, and struggling to find space to practice won’t be the same without you. Wishing you the best of luck next year :)


Golf Team Seniors (Grace Holt, Sophie Schmitz, and Janeyce McCray)

Isabella Diaz: You guys are the absolute best set of seniors someone could ask for. I am going to miss you all so much and I don’t know how we’re gonna get through the season without you. I know you all will absolutely kill it at college so i’m sad for me but happy for all of you. I’m gonna miss you so much Grace, Sophie and Janeyce! - Isabella :)


Ice Hockey Team Seniors (Eve Miller, Audrey Perry, and Kiley Parker)

Maddie O'Connor: Hockey was so fun these past three years with you both, and I don't know what we are going to do without you. Juniors have big shoes to fill next year. We will miss you!!


Elizabeth Mastrangelo: Hockey has always been one of my favorite parts of Kent Place and that is because of the team! We will miss you so much next year. 


Scarlett Gibby: Hi seniors! Thank you for all of your help and support this season! I really appreciate you telling me what jersey to wear for every game and when we should leave the building. I'm going to miss you all so much!


JV Field Hockey Team Seniors

JV Field Hockey Juniors: Isabelle and Grace, We know this is pretty cheesy but we are all going to miss you so much next year. Field Hockey would not have been half as fun as it was this season with you two (and your cars). We all think you need to come back and play for us instead of going to college, please, we need you. From our Benihana dinner two years ago to learning how to park in Summit, there have been nothing but good times. We hope there are plenty of Refresca bowls in South Bend and Winston Salem, but if not, then at least you get to come back and see our beautiful faces! We love you both but hate you for leaving us! JV FHock for ever!!!!! xoxo, Grace, Sydney, Ellie and Caroline


Swim Team Seniors

Swim Team: To our super speedy seniors Tara, Priya, Adithi, Sonia, Catherine, Sophie, Ava, and Jessie: We can’t believe we have to see you go. You all have impacted our team with your dedication, kindness, and enthusiasm more than you could imagine. To the freshman, you have been encouraging, caring, and welcoming faces who are supportive no matter the race. To the sophomores, you have been a great friend and someone to learn from. To the juniors, you have been excellent role models and have set the stage for how to lead our swim family next year just as you did this past season. We will miss you so much next year, but we know you will accomplish great things. You will always be a part of our team no matter the distance. “Fly, back, breast, free! Let’s go KP!” xoxo your fellow chlorine dragz :)


Varsity Tennis Captains (Julia Anderson and Grace McGinley)

Remy Charters: Thank you guys for being such amazing KPVT captains this year and for being an inspiration to me throughout high school. Even since freshman year tennis, I have looked up to both of you as role models. Thank you for making the KPVT experience so special and for leading me and the team to victory every year. I hope to continue the tennis team legacy next year with the example you both set for me. It was because of your commitment that I was able to share the experience of being the top team in the state three years in a row, and I hope to keep it that way as captain next year. I’ll keep the KPVT insta updated so watch out, the plan is TOC champs. I will miss you both next year! #mikesclemmies


Volleyball Team Seniors (Lane Patterson, Kelsey Burrows, Liz Cotter, and Maddie Hagar)

Kayla Drum: I love all you guys so much and I've enjoyed every second the last three seasons with you guys. You’re gonna be so missed next year. Come back to visit please thank you (you are all literally my role models)


Elizabeth Miller: Thank you so much for being such amazing role models for not only me, but for the whole volleyball team. You guys made my 3 years of volleyball so amazing and I know you are all going to kill it in college!


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