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5/04/21 Announcements

Mr. Murphy’s Weekly Updates: here

Online Clubs - Meetings/Links/Schedules: here

Mrs. Murphy

Juniors look out for various due dates/forms this week (Peer Ed, MM coordinator and Senior Sister Coordinator). You may not use the gaga pit without permission. If there is an interest, then we will work with the Athletics Association to organize times. Everyone is to be eating outside unless an email is sent from me or Ms. Hager. The sophomore ring luncheon is rescheduled for next week because of the rain.

Ms. Hager

Please keep the people of India in your thoughts as they suffer through the worst of COVID that they have experienced. The situation there is described as catastrophic, with 400,000 cases diagnosed per day and record deaths. As we feel positive about things opening up and returning to some normalcy in the US, let's be mindful that this pandemic still rages across the globe and likely has an impact right here in our community.

Mr. Walz

AP students: please log onto your College Board accounts to verify that your AP exam schedule reflects your intentions. Any change requests should be emailed to Mr. Walz with a subject heading of AP Exam Change and a cc: to your parents indicating the change desired and the new exam date if switching from in-person to digital. Make sure to download the digital AP exam app if you are taking the virtual exam.

Athletic Association

Powderpuff on Friday from 12-12:30! Every grade will be sent a Google Doc sign up sheet and they are first come first serve. If you sign up you must be available this and next Friday.

Social Committee

Everyone who ordered Candy Grams should bring in their money this week and hand it to their advisors. If you are virtual please send your money in with someone or mail it. We would like to collect all money by next Monday so that we can begin to hand them out.

Active Minds

Active Minds will be hosting a virtual mental health conference in partnership with Pingry and Newark Academy on May 12 from 6:30-8:30pm. We will be having a speaker from NAMI as well as discussion topics for everyone to participate in. We would love to have as much Kent Place representation as possible!


APICA will be hosting its annual APICA Night on Friday, May 14th at 5:30!! Any Kent Place student is invited to join us on campus for food and great discussions. If you are virtual, you are also invited to join us through Zoom. If any of you have friends who don’t go to Kent Place, they are also welcome to join our discussions through Zoom at around 6:30. Yesterday, Eirian sent out an email with all of this information and included a link to the registration form. Please fill out the registration form if you want to attend on campus.

Mrs. Smith

Class of 2022: If you are interested in becoming a Peer Leader please complete the Peer Ed Application by 5/5/21--this is a fabulous leadership opportunity. I hope you consider becoming a Peer Leader for the 2021/2022 school year. The application along with further details will be sent out today! Please contact Mrs. Smith with any questions.

This Friday from 12-12:30pm Mrs. Smith will be having an open group discussion as a follow up to the Eating Disorder survey that was sent out yesterday to all students. Eating disorders are real, complex medical and psychiatric illnesses that can have serious consequences for health, productivity, and relationships. Bring with you any questions you may have and join me on Friday for this group discussion.

Ethics in Art Program

I am here to talk to you about the ethics in the art summer program happening this summer from June 21st-June 25th. This program should be exciting, as there will be time to do art and discuss ethical dilemmas and issues in art. There will be at least 2 and a half hours dedicated to art-making with visiting artists each day. The visiting artists will come from diverse backgrounds. There will also be a field trip to Grounds for Sculptures. It’s going to be very fun, so you should consider signing up. If you have any questions, email Ms. Sykes.

Environmental Club

We are accepting crayon donations in the great room and CFI until Friday!


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