Mrs. Murphy's Weekly Updates: click here Morning Meeting Madness:

Beach Day:
1st- Largo
2nd- McCreary
3rd- Moreau
Crazy Hat Day:
1st - PREZCO
2nd- Walden
3rd- Mr. Morey (not the advisory, just Mr. Morey)
Hi everyone! We know that it can be hard to keep finding fun things to do during this time. So, PrezCo has created a Bingo Board for activities to do while quarantined! Video examples to come! Please feel free to submit videos of you completing these activities! Whichever grade has the most participation, will win Spirit Points!
Ms. Gordon
Committee president and vice-president elections for the next school year will take place remotely this Wednesday, April 29 at 1:00. Watch for a Zoom link for the assembly. Grades 9 - 11, your class elections take place Wednesday, May 6. Your deans will send you all the information you need and a link to self-nominate in the next day or two, so watch for that.
Shelter in Verse
April is National Poetry Month, and as we're nearing the end of it, we wanted to celebrate by having a poetry-writing contest. We encourage all students to submit any original poems on the theme of sheltering in place to this google form. Poems can be haiku, limericks, or free verse as long as they are related to the theme. We hope to hear all of your voices and we are excited to see what amazing poems you have to share!