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10/18/19 B week

French Club

French Club will be having a meeting today in Mme. Moreau's room and we will be playing Kahoot!

Girls Outdoor

Starboard and Girls Outdoors Club are collaborating to do the first ever Pumpkin Carving Competition open to all students and staff. We will send out a photo submission form that you can fill out via You will have until 11/4 to carve and submit your photo, and the winner (based on creativity and execution) will receive a really cool prize.

Community Service

Community Service will be having a meeting today in Ms. Ebner's room. We are going to be making friendship bracelets for impoverished girls in India as a celebration of International Day of the Girl!

Athletic Association

Athletic Association is hosting an equipment drive for the Vietnam Veterans of America from October 21-November 4. Acceptable donations include sporting goods, ski equipment, snowboards, helmets, baseball bats & mitts, soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, etc., weights, exercise equipment, and just about any sports equipment that is small and light enough for a single person to carry. The 9th and 10th grade donation box will be outside both of your lounges. The 11th and 12th grade box is in the 11th grade lounge. In addition, this is a reminder to donate to St.Jude Children's Research Hospital as Izzy Perry, an alumnus, is running the NYC marathon for them. The link to donate is on the insta: @kpsdragonpride. Finally, JV tennis is playing Oak Knoll today at 4, and Eliza Cohen is starting so it's a big deal.

The Ethics Institute

Women Entrepreneurship Panel of KPS alums will be held on Monday, October 21st from 1:00-2:30. Lunch will be served and RSVP is required to attend. Please email by October 18th to sign up.

Active Minds

We have a meeting today at 10:30 in Ms. Woodring’s room. We will be talking about The Joker and the mental illness portrayal and controversies surrounding it.


We are having a Senate meeting today during Committees in room 224. We will be discussing/debriefing the feedback from last year's Dress Code Trial, so if you want to learn more about it, all are welcome! Also, if you ever wanted to see what goes on in Senate without actually going, everyone has access to the US Senate page on MmyKPS where you can see all of the minutes and agendas from previous meetings.


GLAM'D and BCA will be having a joint meeting today where we will be discussing intersectionality within feminism in comparison to white feminism.

Mock Trial

We will continuing auditions on Saturday! Please sign up if you haven't already and remember to bring your materials for our discussion with Mr. Garde.

DEI Alliance

The DEI Alliance would like to introduce itself! (DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). This alliance is made up of the following clubs: APICA, BCA, DIV CO, GLAM'D, GSA, JCS, and Latin@. Together, we promote the importance of intersectional conversation - please look forward to some exciting collaborations! We also would like everyone to know that we are available for any questions, concerns, issues relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Do not hesitate to reach out to any of the leaders! One more thing: We will be having a formal "Intro To DEI Clubs Meeting" on Monday, October 28th. Look out for more information!

Morning Meeting and Starboard:

As a response to feedback, we've changed the page so that you can fill out the form via a one-click link. If you click the button at the top of that page, you can find past announcements and links to other important information. Please write your announcement clearly when you sign up so that we can post it on Starboard more quickly, and feel free to add an additional link to publish with your announcement on Starboard.


To continue the sharing of fun facts for LGBT+ History Month, we'd like to talk about Compton's Cafeteria Riot. Many of you may be familiar with the Stonewall Uprising (1969), which ignited the gay rights movement as we know it. However, many people across the United States fought for LGBT+ Rights for many, many years before Stonewall. There were even similar events; for example, Compton's Cafeteria Riot (1966) occurred in San Francisco to stand up for rights and freedom of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Get excited, because next week, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about LGBT+ History! We have planned an LGBT+ History assembly for the Upper School, so please be in the great room promptly at 2:30 pm on Friday, October 25.

Spanish Club

Spanish Club will be having its first meeting of the year tomorrow. We will be making guacamole and will be playing a kahoot on Mexico and the history of guacamole.

Cross country

Cross country won the Union County Conference Championships yesterday! Many people PRed, and despite the wind we brought home the gold. Check out our (second!) trophy on the mantle :)


Varsity Volleyball is 12-0! We have prep states semifinals and finals tonight at Rutgers Prep.


Mr. Gates, Mr. Largo & Mr. Valente, want to remind you that Tuesday is #BowTieTuesday

Maya Vuchic

October 17th was Black Poetry Day! This day is used to highlight the work of black poets. Rita Dove, Jericho Brown, and Tracy K. Smith are all well known black poets whose work I encourage you to read, but I also recommend looking for other black poets whose work inspires you. There are many out there!

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