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10/7/19 ( A week)

Tara and Adithi

Starboard just launched a brand new page called Keeping Up with KPS! It’s a page where you can submit the weirdest or funniest things you’ve overheard while walking down the hallway, in class, or wherever you go. You can submit these quotes anonymously and we will publish them! Make sure that all quotes submitted contain no names of people at Kent Place, are appropriate, and you get consent from the speaker. To find it, go under the posts tab on Starboard. Thank you!

Girls Day 5K

Thank you to everyone who came to the Girls Day 5K this year! We had over 200 runners and a great festival. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and/or ran a booth!


Connect+ (Isabel Kim's Girl Scout Gold Award Project) is an engineering mentorship program for KPS Upper Schoolers to be connected with women working in engineering fields. The goal is to promote interest in engineering for girls, increase their likeliness of pursuing an engineering major in college and show them career tracks in engineering are possible for women. Girls and mentors will be grouped together with those who have similar interests and will also be paired individually, and we would like for pairs to schedule individual meetings throughout the year to talk further.


VOLLEYBALL IS 10-0!! 20-0 in sets!! Today we have our Senior Day game home at 4:30 against Linden so come out and support!


Since it's LGBT History Month, GSA will be announcing a fun fact at each morning meeting! Today's fact is about the pride flag. The pride flag was created by Gilbert Baker, an artist from San Francisco, in order to create a uniting symbol for the queer community. It replaced the former upside down, pink triangle symbol that was commonly used. When the rainbow was chosen for the flag’s design, it was selected with a purpose: red stands for life, orange stands for healing, yellow stands for sunlight, green stands for nature, blue stands for serenity, and purple stands for spirit. Ever since its creation in 1978, the pride flag has been a popular, long-standing, and uniting symbol of pride for the LGBTQ+ community.

The Ethics Institute

Ethics Bowl Team applications are open. Applications are due on October 11th. Alumni Entrepreneur Lunch Chat and Panel will be held October 21 from 1-2:30pm. Anyone can attend. Please RSVP to to reserve a spot.

Active Minds

This week is mental Illness Awareness Week. Active Minds will be posting educational posts on our Instagram, so be sure to check it out!

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